784. What to Read on Iran / Fred Halliday.--785. Shahsavan Nomads of Iran / Lois Beck.--786. The Shi'is of Iraq / Falah. A. Jabbar.--787. Iran and the Cold War: The Azerbaijan Crisis of 1946 / Ronald Ferrier.--788. ACalendar of Documents On Indo-Persian Relations)1500-1750(.Vol.I / Simon Digby.--789. Tales from Luristan )MataLurissu(:Tales.Fables and Folk Poetry From the Lur of Bala-Gariva / John R. Perry.--790 .Tradition as a Modality of Change: Islamic Examples / Marilyn Robinson Waldman.--791. Rentier State and Shi'a Islam in the Iranian Revolution / Theda Skocpol.--792. "The Temptation of Democracy": Aconversation with Morad Saghafi / Morad Saghafi; Kaveh Ehsani.--793. Women in the Islamic Republic of Iran: Legal. Social, and Ideological Changes / Patricia J. Higgins.--794. An Open Letter to a Jailed Iranian Writer / Andrew Whitley.--795. Ali Reza Nobari:"We Started to Feel Cold Sweat on Our Sweat on Our Brows" / Ali Reza Nobari
#A collection of articles on Iranian and Middle East studies )69(