1. On the Sogdian St. George Passion / Ilya Gershevitch / ) JRAS, Dec. 1946, 179-184 (.-- 2. ancient Survivals in Ossetic / Ilya Gershevitch / ) BSoAS, 1952, XIV/3, 483-495 (.-- 3. The Hymns Of Zarthustra, being a translation of the Gathas together with introduction and commentary by jaques Duchesne - Guillmin. Translated from the French by Mrs. M. henning. London 1952 / Ilya Gershevitch / ) In: JRAS, 1952, 3-4, 174-179 (.-- 4. A Parthian title in the hymn of the soul / Ilya Gershevitch / ) JRAS, Oct. 1954, 124-126 (.-- 5. Sisso at Susa ) Opers. Yaka - Dalberga Sisso Roxb.( / Ilya Gershevitch / ) BSOAS, 1957, XIX/2, 317-320 (.--6. Mark J. Dresden, The Jatakastava or " Praise of the Buddha's former births ", Indo - Scythin )khotanese( text, english translation, Grammatical Notes, and Glossaries Philadelphia, 1955 / Ilya Gershevitch / ) In: Bibliotheca Orientalis Xv, No. 6, Nov. 1958, 262-263 (.-- 7. Travels in Bashkardia / Ilya Gershevitch / ) RCAS Journal, XLVI, 1959, 213-224 (.-- 8. Paul Thiema, Mitra and Aryman. New Haven, 1957, and J. Duchesne - Guillemin: The western response to Zoroaster. Oxford, 1958 / Ilya Gershevitch / ) In: BSOAS, XXII, 1, 1959, 155-157 (.--9. Hanns Peter Schmidt, vedisch vrata und Awetisch urvata. Hamburg. 1958 / Ilya Gershevitch / ) In: JAOS, 79/3, 1959, 195-200 (.--10. Iranian Literature / Ilya Gershevitch .-- 11. J. Nemeth, ein Worterliste der jassen, der ungarlandischen Alanen, Berlin, 1959 / Ilya Gershevitch / ) In: BSOAS, XXIIi, 3, 1960, 395-396 (.--12. The Sogdian word for "Advice", and some Mur documents / Ilya Gershevitch / ) Central Asiatic Journal, VII, 2, 1962, 77-95(.-- 13. Helmut Humbach Die Gathas des Zarathustra. Heidelberg, 1959 / Ilya Gershevitch / ) In: BSOAS XXV, 2, 1962, 367-370 (.--14. Helmut Humbach, Die Kaniska - Inschrift von Surkh-Kotal: ein Zeugnis des Jungren Mithraismus aus IranWiesbaden: Otto harrassowitz, 1960 / Ilya Gershevitch / ) In: BSOAS, XXVI, 1, 1963, 193-196 (.--15. Dialect Variation in early Persian / Ilya Gershevitch / ) In: TPS, 1964, 1-29 (.-- 16. Zoroaster's own contribution / Ilya Gershevitch / ) JNES, XXIII, 1, 1964, 12-38 (.--17. Mary Boyce, A Catalogue Iranian manuscripts in Manichean Script in the German Turfan Collection. Berlin 1960 / Ilya Gershevitch / ) In: BSOAS, XXIII, 1, 1965, 157-460 (.--18. Bactrin inscriptions and manuscripts / Ilya Gershevitch / ) IF, 72, 1/2, 1967, 27-57 (.--19. Amber at Perspolis / Ilya Gershevitch / ) In: Studia Classica et Orientalia Antonino Pagliaro Roma, 1969, 167-251 (