اثر مولفة قائم زلزله مدتهای طولانی مورد مطالعه بوده است، اما نتایج چنین تحقیقاتی در طراحی سازه ها مورد توجه قرار نگرفته و در آئین نامه های طراحی وارد نشده است .در تحقیق حاضر سعی می شود به سوالات زیر پاسخ داده شود تا بدین ترتیب اهمیت اثرات مولفة قائم زلزله برروی پاسخهای ساختمانی مشخص گردد: ۱- چرا مولفة قائم زلزله مهم است؟ ۲- کدام دسته از ساختمانها بیشتر تحت تاثیر مولفة قائم زلزله قرار می گیرند؟۳ - نیروهای داخلی کدام یک از اعضاء سازه ای در اثر مولفة قائم بیشتر تشدید می شوند؟۴ - نسبت حداکثر شتاب مولفة قائم زلزله به حداکثر شتاب مولفة افقی آن در چه محدوده ای باشد تا اثرات مولفة قائم چشمگ۰یر شود؟ این مطالعه تحقیقی عددی بر روی قابهای ساختمانی فولادی دو بعدی با رفتار غیر ارتجاعی می باشد .تعداد زیادی قابهای دو و سه دهانه با تعداد طبقات و طول دهانه های مختلف مطابق آئین نامة زلزلة ایران طراحی شده اند .از شتابنگاشتهای چهار زلزلة نرتریج، لوماپریتا، لندرس، کوبه( دو ایستگاه) برای تحلیل دینامیکی تاریخچة زمانی قابهااستفاده شده است و نهایتا نتایج مورد بررسی قرارگرفته اند
The effect of vertical component of earthquake has been subject of research for many years , but results of such research works neither has been summarized to answer some principal questions in design practice , nor has got enough attention as it should in design codes of practice .The research has been performed to give clear answers to the following questions to highlight importance of vertical component of earthquake .1-Why vertical component of earthquake is important .2-What kind of buildings are sensitive to vertical component of earthquake .3-Which members are more facing to resonance of internal forces due to vertical component of earthquake .4-What range of ratio of vertical acceleration to horizontal acceleration of earthquake is important for consideration of effect of vertical component of earthquake .The research was in fact a parametric study which was limited to two dimentional structures in the analysis . nonlinear inelastic behaviour of structure was considered . Many of frameworks with 2 and 3 bays and various number of stories and 3 and 4 meters span lengths were designed according to the specifications of Iranian code for Seismic Resistant Design of buildings . The Equivalent Static load method was used for Analysis design of frameworks . Accelerograms of five earthquake records including " Landers , Loma prieta , kobe( Shin-Osaka station) , Northridge, Kobe( Takarazu station) " were used for Dynamic time- history analysing frameworks in both horizontal and vertical directions . From this study the following interesting results were obtained :1-Due to stiffnes of structures in vertical direction , the natural vertical frequency of structures are quite small and are close to the mean frequency of vertical component of earthquake . So we observe resonance in this direction more frequency .2-To get acceptable results from analysis of structures due to vertical component of earthquake , distributed masses should not be considered as lumped masses . in obligatory case , it should be considered at least as five lumped masses along beams .3-Beams of upper stories are more subject to increase of shear forces and bending moments than beams in lower stories.4-Vertical component of earthquake increases axial force of columns, specially these at the middle . This study shows for earthquakes with the ratio of acceleration of vertical component to horizontal component greater than 0.3 , the effect of vertical component should be considered for columns at the middle of frameworks . However the effect of vertical component becomes considerable for side columns and beams of upper stories if the above ratio becomes close to or greater than 0.6 . Thus a revision for the " Iranian Code for Seismic Resistant Design of Buildings " specially for consideration of the effect of vertical component of structures is required. 5-The recommendation of of design codes for assumption of 2/3 of horizontal component of ground acceleration instead of acceleration of earthquake in vertical direction for the design of frameworks is unconservative.