Reflet Du Mythe de L,infanticide dans le theatre francais
/کی فرخی، مهرنوش
: Facult des Lettres Persanes et Langues trangres
Master of arts
, Dpartement de Langue et Littrature Franaises
dre depicts the pessimistic view of love which dominated the minds of the seventeenth century French غe by Jean Anouilh (twentieth century) and Le Malentendu by Camus (twentieth century), there is common ground which make comparative studies on pieces possible. As an example, the mother or the father's assassin took a boundless passion, which is defined by the word hubris or excess in tragic characters embraced by the irreducibility of fate. The protagonists of pieces are connected by challenging relationships followed by betrayal, jealousy and rivalry. Because in all the pieces, there is a love triangle where two women are seeking union with one man. From this point of view, Racine's Phفdفdre (seventeenth century), Norma or infanticide by Soumet (nineteenth century), La Reine Morte by Montherlant (twentieth century), Mغpolitical conditions of their time or according to the needs of their own psyche. The study of each story where infanticide happened has three main members of a family crime; authoritarian father, a passionate mother and child who is sacrificed in most mythical narratives is masculine; Our research also relates to the analysis of the role of these three elements that contribute to the advent of infanticide. Indeed, in the five French plays that we have chosen, namely; Racine's Ph-god sometimes have a terrible image in which their hands are soiled with the blood of their children. These narratives are considered as an important basis for literature and they enter through Aristotle instructions. They constitute the basis of the tragedy. Infanticide is also a favorable subject to the tragic plays. And there are many authors who have taken the mythical stories in their original form and have transformed the details nevertheless, according to the socio-Roman mythology provides a vivid picture of life that happens on earth and humans. This fascinating universe is yet stained with the blood of children in the early mythical creations. Thus, Uranus, Cronus and the other heroes and demi-The world of Greco.