"This volume is dedicated to the memory of Ettore Majorana on the anniversary of his sixtieth birthday." Sponsored by the European Organization for Nuclear Research, the Italian Ministry of Public Education, and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization Includes bibliographies
Discorso inaugurale, by G. Bernardini.--Ettore Majorana, man and scientist: commemoration speech, by E. Amaldi.--An introduction to unitary symmetry, by S. Coleman.--Hadron and lepton internal symmetries, by L.A. Radicati.--Current algebra and weak interactions, by N. Cabibbo.--Current algebra, by M. Gell-Mann.--Relativistic quark model as representation of current algebra, by M. Gell-Mann.--Ideas about CP, by S. Glashow.--Regge poles in high-energy scattering, by R.J.N. Phillips.--Models of strong interactions, by B. Zumino.--Regge poles and the algebra of currents, by N. Cabibbo.--Meson resonances, by E. Fiorini.--Phenomenology of resonances and particle supermultiplets, by A. Barbaro-Galtieri.--Commutators of current components, by R. Gatto.--Some topics of recent interest in [pi] and [eta] photoproduction, by C.A. Heusch.--Recent experiments at DESY, by W. Jentschke.--Meson photoproduction near threshold and current communication algebra, by M. Konuma.--A possible test and some applications of regge poles, by Y.N. Srivastava.--Weak bosons, decay and production, by Y. Yamaguchi.--Recent developments in the theory of magnetically charged particles, by B. Zumino.--Discussions, led by S. Coleman and others