بررسی ارتباط بین آزاردیدگی در خانواده و مشکلات رفتاری در دانش آموزان دبیرستانی شهر کرمانشاه
.Study the relationship between harassment in family & behavioral problem highschool students
علوم بهزیستی وتوانبخشی university of social welfare and rehabilitation))
، ۱۳۸۸
کارشناسی ارشد
رفاهاجتماعیsocial welfare
علوم بهزیستی وتوانبخشی university of social welfare and rehabilitation))
Objective: Maltreatment with children and adolescents is a problem that has many negative and problematic impacts and imposes great costs on the society for improvement of these impacts. So, with regards to importance of adolescence, its criticality, necessity of social adjustment, and the probability of adolescents' tendency to high risk behaviors and creation behavioral problems for them, it is important to investigate about producer factors of such behaviors. The purpose of this research is to study the relationship between being abused in family and behavioral problems in high school students of Kermanshah city. Method: This research is a cross sectional and correlation study and samples collected in Multi Stage sampling method. Sample size is 193, which are selected from six girl and boy high schools in Kermanshah city. Youth Self Repot form and Child Abuse Self Report Scale are used for measuring behavioral problems and child abuse. Results: there was a direct positive correlation between general child abuse and general, externalizing and internalizing behavioral problems. This relationship supports in both girls and boys and in whole of sample population. All of child abuse subscales including Psychological, physical, sexual child abuse and neglect, have direct positive correlation with general behavioral problems. Regression analysis showed that sexual and Psychological child abuse are meaningful predictors of general behavioral problems. Conclusion: there is a relationship between being abused in family and behavioral problems, both in general and in all of its subscales. Keywords: Being Abused, Behavioral Problems, Child Abuse, Student, YSR, CASRS
.Study the relationship between harassment in family & behavioral problem highschool students