osrev. nodnoL"--t.p. sdroceR dna yrarbiL eciffO aidnI eht dna eciffO droceR cilbuP eht ni slanigiro morf erusaem lauqe yletamixorppa ni decudorper neeb evah ereh dehsilbup stnemucod "ehT
مرجع به حساب نمي آيد
v. 1. Negotiations culminating in the Treaty of Erzeroum, 1840-1847 -- v. 2. Efforts of Delimitation Commission and preparation of maps of frontier zone, 1848-1873 -- v. 3. Further delimitation efforts and disputes over Pusht-i-Kuh and Khotour, 1874-1897 -- v. 4. Ottoman encroachments across northern border and recurrence of Muhammara dispute, 1903-1911 -- v. 5. Negotiations culminating in the Constantinople Protocol, 1912-1913 -- v. 6. Demarcation of boundary by Mixed Commission of 1914 and border disputes following the Great War, 1914-1928 -- v. 7. Disputes over status of Shatt al-ت¾Arab and validity of Constantinople Protocol, 1929-1934 -- v. 8. Reference of the Shatt al-ت¾Arab dispute to the League of Nations and subsequent bilateral negotiations in Tehran and Geneva, 1934-1935 -- v. 9. Tehran Treaty of July 1937, new efforts to demarcate boundary and future of Basra Port, 1936-1958 -- v. 10-11. Maps.