/ edited by Charles A. MacArthur, Steve Graham, and Jill Fitzgerald
New York
: Guilford Press,
, c2006.
xi, 468 p. , ill. , 26 cm.
Language: انگلیسی
Includes bibliographical references and indexes.
Introduction /Charles A. MacArthur ... [et al.] --PART I. THEORIES AND MODELS OF WRITING --The social and historical context for writing research /Martin Nystrand --New directions in writing theory /John R. Hayes --Writing process theory: a functional dynamic approach /Gert Rijlaarsdam, Huub van den Bergh --A sociocultural theory of writing /Paul Prior --The processing demands of writing /Mark Torrance, David Galbraith --PART II. WRITING DEVELOPMENT --The emergence of writing /Liliana Tolchinsky --Implications of advancements in brain research and technology for writing development, writing instruction, and educational evolution /Virginia W. Berninger, William D. Winn --Cognitive factors in the development of children's writing /Deborah McCutchen --Children's understanding of genre and writing development /Carol A. Donovan, Laura B. Smolkin --Motivation and writing /Suzanne Hidi, Pietro Boscolo --Self-efficacy beliefs and motivation in writing development /Frank Pajares, Gio Valiante --Relations among oral language, reading, and writing development /Timothy Shanahan --PART III. INSTRUCTIONAL MODELS AND APPROACHES --Strategy instruction and the teaching of writing: a meta-analysis /Steve Graham --Tenets of sociocultural theory in writing instructional research /Carol Sue Englert ... [et al.] --Response to writing /Richard Beach, Tom Friedrich --Writing to learn: how alternative theories of school writing account for student performance /George E. Newell --The effects of new technologies on writing and writing processes /Charles A. MacArthur --"I guess I'd better watch my English": grammars and the teaching of the English language arts /Michael W. Smith ... [et al.] --The process approach to writing instruction: examining its effectiveness /Ruie J. Pritchard, Ronald L. Honeycutt --PART IV. WRITING AND SPECIAL POPULATIONS --Teaching writing in culturally diverse classrooms /Arnetha F. Ball --Influence of gender on writing development /Shelley Peterson --Writing instruction for students with learning disabilities /Gary A. Troia --Multilingual writing in preschool through 12th grade: the last 15 years /Jill Fitzgerald --PART V. METHODOLOGY AND ANALYTIC TOOLS --Qualitative research on writing /Katherine Schultz --Statistical analysis for field experiments and longitudinal data in writing research /Robert D. Abbott ... [et al.] --Text structure as a window on the cognition of writing: how text analysis provides insights in writing products and writing processes /Ted J.M. Sanders, Joost Schilperoord --Applications of computers in assessment and analysis of writing /Mark D. Shermis ... [et al.] --Writing assessment: a techno-history /Brian Huot, Michael Neal --What does reading have to tell us about writing?: preliminary questions and methodological challenges in examining the neurobiological foundations of writing and writing disabilities /Kenneth R. Pugh ... [et al.].
English language, Rhetoric, Study and teaching, Research, Handbooks, manuals, etc
English language, Composition and exercises, Research, Handbooks, manuals, etc
Report writing, Study and teaching, Research, Handbooks, manuals, etc