Martin Heidegger: an introduction to his thought, work, and life / Hubert Dreyfus,Mark Wrathall --PART I. EARLY HEIDEGGER: THEMES AND INFLUENCES --The earliest Heidegger: a new field of research /John Van Buren --Heidegger and national socialism /Iain Thomson --Heidegger and Husserl: the matter and method of philosophy /Steven Galt Crowell -- Heidegger and German idealism /Daniel O. Dahlstrom --Early Heidegger's appropriation of Kant /Beatrice Han-Pile --Heidegger's Nietzsche / Hans Sluga --Heidegger and the Greeks /Carol J. White --Logic / Stephan Koufer --Phenomenology /Edgar C. Boedeker Jr. --Heidegger's philosophy of science /Joseph Rouse --PART II. BEING AND TIME --Dasein /Thomas Sheehan --Heidegger's categories in Being and time /Robert Brandom --Early Heidegger on sociality /Theodore R. Schatzki --Realism and truth /David R. Cerbone --Hermeneutics /Cristina Lafont -- Authenticity /Taylor Carman --Human mortality: Heidegger on how to portray the impossible possibility of Dasein /Stephen Mulhall -- Temporality /William Blattner --Dasein and "its" time /Piotr Hoffman --PART III. HEIDEGGER'S LATER THOUGHT --Unconcealment /Mark A. Wrathall --Contributions to philosophy /Hans Ruin --Ereignis / Richard Polt --The history of being /Charles Guignon --Heidegger's ontology of art /Hubert L. Dreyfus --Technology /Albert Borgmann -- Heidegger on language /Charles Taylor --The thinging of the thing: the ethic of conditionality in Heidegger's later work /James C. Edwards -- The truth of being and the history of philosophy /Mark B. Okrent -- Derrida and Heidegger: iterability and Ereignis /Charles Spinosa -- Heidegger, contingency, and pragmatism /Richard Rorty.