Travel demand management and road user pricing :success, failure and feasibility
Burlington, VT
xviii, 247 p. : illus
Transport and society
Includes bibliographical references and index
edited by Wafaa Saleh and Gerd Sammer
Non negligible side effects of traffic demand management / Gerd Sammer -- Validation and comparisons of choice models / Stefano de Luca and Giulio Erberto Cantarella -- On-street parking pricing : ex ante ex post profile analysis following a 05% increase in on-street parking charges in Dublin city / J. Andrew Kelly and J. Peter Clinch -- Modelling impacts of tolling systems with multiple user classes / Kathryn Stewart -- The network society and the networked traveller / KW Axhausen, J Urry and J Larsen -- An evaluation of future traveller information system and its effectiveness in demand management schemes / Amy Weihong Guo, Phil Blythe, Patrick Olivier, Pushpendra Singh, and Hai Nam Ha -- Variable message signs : are they effective TDM measures? / Wafaa Saleh, Craig Walker and Chih Wei Pai -- Transantiago : the fall and rise of a radical public transport intervention / Juan Carlos Muoz, Juan de Dios Ortuzar and Antonio Gschwender -- Unexpected delay and the cost of lateness on I-493 high occupancy/toll lanes / Nebiyou Y. Tilahun, David M. Levinson -- Integrated network improvement and tolling schedule : mixed strategy versus pure demand management / Barbara W.Y. Siu -- Traveller responses to Stockholm congestion pricing trial : who changed, where did they go, and what did it cost them? / Joel P. Franklin, Jonas Eliasson, and Anders Karlstrm -- Closing remarks / Gerd Sammer and Wafaa Saleh