Religion with/out religion : the prayers and tears of John D. Caputo
Written in response to Caputo's The Prayers and Tears of Jacques Derrida, this critique of Caputo's work gathers together the work of cutting-edge theologians and philosophers to examine the relationship between Derridan deconstruction and religion. Caputo has been instrumental in making an English-speaking readership aware of the relevance of Derrida's work to the study of religion. The fact that the book contains a lengthy response by Caputo and an interview with him, will make this book required reading for all those involved in contemporary theological debate. Religion with/out Religion will also of interest to postgraduate and higher level undergraduate students of theology, religious studies and philosophy of religion. John D. Caputo Villanova University, Shane Cudney Vrije Universiteit, Jeffrey M. Dudiak King's University College David Goicoechea Brock Univeresity, Avron Kulak York Un
London ; New York
xi, 185 p. ; 24 cm
Other titles: Religion without religion
"Essays ... originally presented at a symposium ... held at ... the Institute for Christian Studies in Toronto, April 23-24, 1998."--Acknowledgments
Includes bibliographical references and indexes
ISBN: 0415266084
edited by James H. Olthuis
Congresses ، Caputo, John D. Prayers and tears of Jacques Derrida