Contributors -- Acknowledgements -- Introduction -- The virtuality and reality of avatar cyberspace / Bruce Damer & Randy Hinrichs -- The physical and social reality of virtual worlds / Philip Brey -- Envisioning the virtual / Brian Massumi -- Being more than yourself : virtuality and human spirit / Andre Nusselder -- Mythologies of virtuality : "other space" and "shared dimension" from ancient myths to cyberspace / Maria Beatrice Bittarello -- The paradox of virtuality / Michael R. Heim -- Psychology & perception -- Avatar psychology / James K. Scarborough & Jeremy N. Bailenson -- Not quite human : what virtual characters have taught us about person perception / Elizabeth J. Carter & Frank E. Pollick -- Emotions and altered states of awareness : the virtuality of reality and the reality of virtuality / Jean-Claude Martin -- Applying psychological plausibility to the uncanny valley phenomenon / Angela Tinwell -- The psychology of addiction to virtual / Deborah Abdel Nabi & John P. Charlton -- Environments : the allure of the virtual self -- Being present in a virtual world / Giuseppe Riva & John A. Waterworth -- Immersion in virtual worlds / Gordon Calleja -- Culture & society -- Communication in virtual worlds / Paul C. Adams -- Virtual reality : so good, they named it twice? : a Lacanian perspective from literature and the other arts -- / david rudd -- History and cultural heritage in virtual environments / Erik Champion -- Flirting, cheating, dating, and mating in a virtual world / Julie M. Albright & Eddie Simmons -- Cybersex / Stale Stenslie -- A virtual assembly : constructing religion out of zeros and ones / Robert M. Geraci -- Acoustemologies of the closet / William Cheng -- Sound -- Breaking the fourth wall? : user-generated sonic content in virtual worlds / Karen Collins -- Sonic virtuality : understanding audio in a virtual world / Tom A. Garner & Mark Grimshaw -- Virtual worlds : an ethnomusicological perspective / Trevor S. Harvey -- The music that's not there -- Image -- Through the looking glass : philosophical reflections on the art of virtual -- Worlds / Gary Zabel -- Recreating visual reality in virtuality / Anthony Steed -- The translation of art in virtual worlds / Patrick Lichty -- Painting, the virtual and the celluloid frame / Simon J. Harris -- Economy & law -- Virtual law / Greg Lastowka -- Avatars inc. : the legal personality of avatars / Angela Adrian -- Virtuality in the sphere of economics / Vili Lehdonvirta -- A-life & artificial intelligence -- On the role of "digital actors" in entertainment-based virtual worlds / Phil Carlisle -- Evolution in virtual worlds / Tim Taylor -- Virtual ecologies and environments / David G. Green & Tom Chandler -- Computational modeling of brain function and the human haptic system at the neural spike level : learning the dynamics of a simulated body / Gabriel Robles-De-La-Torre -- Technology & applications -- Distributed embodiment : real presence in virtual bodies / John A. Waterworth & Eva L. Waterworth -- Level of realism : feel, smell and taste in virtual environments / Alan Chalmers -- Developing handheld augmented reality interfaces / Mark Billinghurst, Huidong Bai, Gun Lee, Robert Lindeman -- Avoidable pitfalls in virtual world learning design / Keysha I. Gamor -- Clinical uses of virtual worlds : from medicine to psychology and rehabilitation / Giuseppe Riva -- Military simulations using virtual worlds / Roger Smith -- Utopia & dystopia -- Ethics at the boundaries of the virtual / Charles M. Ess -- The social imaginary of virtual worlds / Patrice Flichy -- Virtuality and humanity / David Kreps -- Virtual dystopia / Andrea Hunter & Vincent Mosco -- Afterword / Tom Boellstorf -- Index