Integrated strategies for drug discovery using mass spectrometry
Hoboken, N.J.
xvii, 550 p.: ill.; 24 cm.
]edited by[ Mike S. Lee
Miniaturized formats for efficient liquid chromatography mass spectrometry-based proteomics and therapeutic development / Gary A. Valaskovic -- Mass spectrometry based drug screening assays for early phases in drug discovery / Marshall M. Siegel -- ESI-FTICR as a high throughput drug discovery platform / Kristin A. Sannes-Lowery -- Mass spectrometry based proteomic approaches for disease diagnosis and biomarker discovery / Thomas P. Conrads -- Metabonomic applications in toxicity screening and disease diagnosis / John P. Shockcor -- The central role of mass spectrometry in natural products discovery / Jeffrey R. Gilbert -- Application of mass spectrometry to compound library generation, analysis, and management / Xueheng Cheng -- A Combinatorial process for drug discovery / David S. Wagner -- Application of technological advances in biotransformation studies / Carmen L. Fernandez-Metzler -- Applications of mass spectrometry for the characterization of reactive metabolites of drugs in discovery / Jim Wang -- Advances in high-throughput quantitative drug discovery bioanalysis / Bradley L. Ackermann -- New strategies for the implementation and support of bioanalysis in a drug metabolism environment / Walter A. Korfmacher -- An integrated LC/MS strategy for preclinical candidate optimization / Jonathan L. Josephs -- New approaches for method development and purification in lead optimization / Yining Zhao -- High throughput metabolic and physicochemical property analysis / Edward H. Kerns -- Organ perfusion and mass spectrometry / C. Gerald Curtis -- Sample preparation for drug discovery bioanalysis / David A. Wells -- Automation / John D. Laycock.