/ Translated by various oriental scholars and edited by F. Max Muller
: Clarendon Press
, 1879-1910
; 24cm
Sacred books of the East series
v.1.- The Upanishads . Translated by F. Muller . v.2. The sacred laws of the Aryas . Translated by Georg , Buhler . v.3. Sacred books of China . Translated by James Legge, v.4. The Zend - Avesta. Translated by jamesw Darmester. v.5. -Pahlavi Texts . Translated by E. W. West . v.6.- The Quran . Translated by E. H. Palmer . v.7-The Institutes of vishnnu . Translated by Julius . v.8m -The Bhaga vadgita . Translated by kashinath Trimbak Telang , M. A. v.9- Thne Quran . Translated by E. H. Palmer . v.10- The Dhammapada . Translated from Pali by F. Max Muller . v.11- Buddhis suttas . Translated fromPali by T. W. PhysDavids . v.12 -The satapatha - Brahmana . Translated from pali by T. W. Phys Davids . v.13- Vinaya texts . Translated from Pali by T. W. phys Davids and hermann Oldenberg . v.14- Sacred laws of the Aryas . Translated by George Buhler . v. 15-The Upanishads . Translated by F. Max Muller . v.16- The sacred Books of China. Translated by James Legge. v.17- Vinaya Texts . Translated by from pali by T. W. phys Davids . and hermann Oldenberg v.18- pahlavi texts . Translated by E. W. West . v.19- The Fo- sho-hing -tsan - King; a life of buddha by Asvaghosha Bodhisattva . Translated from sanskrit into Chinese by Dharmarksha . and from Chinese into english by Samuel Beal . v.20- Vinaya Texts . Translated from Pali by T. W. Phys Davids and Herman Oldenberg . v.21- Yhe Saddlarhrama- Pundarika or the Lotus of the true law . Translated by H
Oriental literature-- Translations into English
English literature -- Translations from oriental literature