Includes bibliographical references. Contents: Introduction: the debate on rineteenth-century planning, Anthony Sutc-liffe-Planni for urban growth in the Old South/ David Goldfield-The role of The Competition in the genesis of urban pIaning: Germany and Austria in the nine-teenth century,
Peter breitling-The genesis and special characteristics of town-planning instruments in Italy, 1880-1914
Donatella Calabi-Housing reform and the emergence of town planning in Britain before 1914
John Nelson tarn-Plannings as environmental improvement: slum clearance in Victorian Edinburgh
P. J. Smith-Apatriarchal utopia: the garden city and housing reform in Germany at the turn of the century
Franziska Bollerey and Kristiana Hartmann-the ideology, aesthetics and politics of the city Beautiful movement
William H. Wilson-cities and eyolution: Patrick geddes as au international prophet of town planning before 1914
Helen Meller
Series: Studies in history planning, and the environment
City planning-History-19 th century-Addresses, essays, lectures
City planning-History-20 th century-Addresses, essays, lectures