Membrane protein assembly in vivo / Gunnar von Heijne -- Construction of helix-bundle membrane proteins / Aaron K. Chamberlain ... [et al.] -- Transmembrane [beta]-barrel proteins / Georg E. Schulz -- Length, time, and energy scales of photosystems / Christopher C. Moser ... [et al.] -- Structural clues to the mechanism of ion pumping in bacteriorhodopsin / Hartmut Luecke and Janos K. Lanyi -- The structure of Wolinella succinogenes quinol:fumarate reductase and its relevance to the superfamily of succinate:quinone oxidoreductases / C. Roy D. Lancaster -- Structure and function of quinone binding membrane proteins / Momi Iwata ... [et al.] -- Prokaryotic mechanosensitive channels / Pavel Strop, Randal Bass, and Douglas C. Rees -- The voltage sensor and the gate in ion channels / Francisco Bezanilla and Eduardo Perozo -- Rhodopsin structure, dynamics, and activation: a perspective from crytallography, site-directed spin labeling, sulfhydryl reactivity, and disulfide cross-linking / Wayne L. Hubbell ... [et al.] -- The glycerol facilitator GlpF, its aquaporin family of channels, and their selectivity / Robert M. Stroud, Peter Nollert, and Larry Miercke.