Amorphous and crytallinesilicon catbide and related materials
: proceedings of the first international conference, washington D, C, December 10 and 11, 1987
/ s, G, L. Harris and C, Y, W, yang
: Springer-Verlag
, 1989
XI. 199 P.
: ill as , table
; 24.5 cm
springerproceedings in physics
Springer proceedings in physics
; v. 34
; 34
sperspresented at the first international conference on Amorphous and cry stalleing silicon carbide and Related materials (ICACSC 87). which was held at Howard university
Pre F. Sponsored by the national science foundation etal
Includes Bibliographical reference and index
International conference on amorphous and crystallinesilicon carbide and related materials (1 st : 1987 : foundation(u. s)