/ edited by James Crawford, Alain Pellet, Simon Olleson
; assistant editor Kate Parlett
New York
: Oxford University press
, 2010
lxv, 1296 p.
; 26 cm
Includes bibliographical references and index
The definition of responsibility in International law / Alain Pellet -- The system of International responsibility -- James Crawford -- Primary and secondary rules / Eric David -- The development of the law of responsibility through the case law / Patrick Daillier -- Doctrines of state responsibility / Martti Koskenniemi -- Private codification efforts / Lucie Laithier -- The Hague conference of 1930 / Cleجپmentine Bories -- The work of Garciجپa Amador on state responsibility for injury caused to aliens / Daniel Muجˆller -- The ILC's articles on state responsibility for internationally wrongful acts and related texts / Alain Pellet -- Liability for injurious consequences of acts not prohibited by international law / Alan Boyle -- The law of responsibility and the law of treaties / Joe Verhoeven -- Responsibility and the United Nations charter / Vera Gowlland-Debbas -- Leges speciales and self-contained regimes / Bruno Simma and Dirk Pulkowski -- The concept of 'soft responsibility'? / Jean-Marc Sorel -- Relations between the International law of responsibility and responsibility in municipal law / Pierre-Marie Dupuy -- Overview of part one of the articles on state responsibility / Gilbert Guillaume -- The elements of an internationally wrongful act / Brigitte Stern -- The rules of attribution : general considerations / Luigi Condorelli and Claus Kress -- Attribution of conduct to the state / Djamchid Momtax -- Attribution of conducto to multiple states and the implication of