xxiv, 1038 pages : illustrations (chiefly color) ; 28 cm
یادداشتهای مربوط به مندرجات
متن يادداشت
The evolution of the human voice and speech: key components in the story of our uniqueness --;History of laryngology --;Gross anatomy of the larynx --;Microanatomy of the vocal folds --;Biomechanics, fundamentals of vibration, and flow --;Basics of voice acoustics: a tutorial --;Whisper --;Nervous system, proprioception, and reflexes --;Genetics and voice --;Multidisciplinary evaluation and voice lab --;The voice history --;Wellness, health and voice --;The head and neck evaluation of a vocalist --;Voice sound perception --;Objective voice assessment --;measuring voice-related quality of life --;Visualizing the larynx --;Stroboscopy and high-speed video examination of the larynx --;CT scan for voice disorders: virtual endoscopy, virtual dissection --;Laryngeal electromyography --;Image storage and retrieval: the present and the future --;Principles of voice therapy --;Treating the singing voice --;Medical therapy, medication and the voice --;Complementary and alternative medicines and voice --;Assessing outcomes of voice treatment --;Perioperative management for phonomicrosurgery --;Anesthesiology and clinical airway management: a brief introduction for laryngologists --;Phonomicrosurgery setup and instrumentation --;Principles of phonomicrosurgery --;Laser physics and principles --;Voice rest --;Care of the professional voice --;Etiology, incidence, and prevalence of laryngeal disorders --;Dynamical disorders of voice --;Functional dysphonia --;Posture and muscle tension --;Neurologic disorders of the voice --;Spasmodic dusphonia --;Surgical management of spasmodic dysphonia --;Environment and allergies --;Acute laryngitis --;Chronic laryngitis --;Autoimmune disorders of the larynx: common conditions, symptoms, and treatments --;Laryngopharyngeal reflux --;Dysphagia in esophageal disorders --;Cough --;Pulmonary disorders and voice --;Diagnosis and treatment of pediatric voice disorders --;The aging voice --;Hormones and the female voice --;Laryngeal trauma --;Nomenclature of laryngeal lesions --;Nodules and polyps: assessment and treatment --;Laryngeal cysts --;Laryngeal granulomas --;Vocal fold scar --;Reinke's edema/polypoid corditis --;Laryngoceles and saccular cysts --;Laryngeal papilloma --;Benign tumors of the larynx --;Principles and timing of treatment: unilateral --;Classification of laryngoplasty --;Vocal fold injection --;Medializationlaryngoplasty (thyroplasty) and arytenoid rotation/adduction --;Reinnervation --;Surgery for bilateral vocal fold immobility --;Reinnervation for bilateral vocal fold paralysis --;Laryngotracheal stenosis: definitions and pathogenesis --;Tracheostomy --;Managing glottic stenosis --;Subglottic stenosis --;Tracheal stenosis --;Leukoplakia --;Premalignant and early malignant lesions of the larynx --;Classification of transoral laser microsurgery --;Setup and safety in office procedures --;Anesthesia for office-based laryngology --;Excisions of laryngeal masses --;Office-based laryngeal laser surgery --;Office-based esophagology --;New and emerging technology --;Developing a voice practice --;Laryngeal transplantation.
عنوان اصلی به زبان دیگر
عنوان اصلي به زبان ديگر
Head & neck surgery;Otolaryngology;Laryngology
موضوع (اسم عام یاعبارت اسمی عام)
موضوع مستند نشده
Head -- Surgery -- Textbooks.
موضوع مستند نشده
Otolaryngology -- Textbooks.
موضوع مستند نشده
Otology -- Surgery -- Textbooks.
نام شخص به منزله سر شناسه - (مسئولیت معنوی درجه اول )
مستند نام اشخاص تاييد نشده
series editor: Robert T. Sataloff ; volume editor: Michael S. Benninger.