Venography of the Inferior Vena Cava and Its Branches
نام عام مواد
نام نخستين پديدآور
by Jacques Chermet, Jean-Michel Bigot.
وضعیت نشر و پخش و غیره
محل نشرو پخش و غیره
Berlin, Heidelberg
نام ناشر، پخش کننده و غيره
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
تاریخ نشرو بخش و غیره
مشخصات ظاهری
نام خاص و کميت اثر
(xi, 232 pages 323 illustrations)
یادداشتهای مربوط به مندرجات
متن يادداشت
1. Techniques of Angiographic Investigation of the Inferior Vena Cava --;1.1 Cavography by Percutaneous Bifemoral Approach --;1.2 Cavography by Percutaneous Unifemoral Approach --;1.3 Retrograde Iliac Venography --;1.4 Cavography with Intracaval Catheter --;Retrograde Femoral Approach --;1.5 Cavography with Intracaval Catheter --;Anterograde Approach --;1.6 Occlusive Cavography --;1.7 Carboxyangiography --;1.8 Contraindications for Bifemoral Cavography --;1.9 Complications of Bifemoral Cavography --;References --;2. Radioanatomy of the Inferior Vena Cava Pitfalls in Interpretation --;2.1 Anatomy --;2.2 Physiology --;2.3 Radioanatomy --;Pitfalls in Interpretation --;References --;3. Congenital Anomalies of the Inferior Vena Cava --;3.1 Review of the Embryology --;3.2 Congenital Anomalies of the Postrenal Segment --;3.3 Congenital Anomalies of the Retrohepatic Segment --;3.4 Anomalies of the Left Renal Vein and Persistence of the Periaortic Venous Ring --;3.5 Anomalies in the Termination of the Inferior Vena Cava; Terminations of Abnormal or Aberrant Vessels --;3.6 Radiosurgical Applications --;References --;4. Intrinsic Iliocaval Pathology. Thromboembolic Disease of the Iliac Veins and of the Inferior Vena Cava --;4.1 General Remarks --;4.2 Thrombophlebitis of the Iliac Veins --;4.3 Left Common Iliac Compression Syndrome --;4.4 Thrombosis of the Inferior Vena Cava --;4.5 Membranous Occlusions and Stenoses of the Inferior Vena Cava Termination --;4.6 Surgery in Iliofemoral and Iliocaval Phlebitis --;4.7 Surgical Prevention of Embolic Migration --;References --;5. Collateral Circulation --;5.1 General Remarks --;5.2 Unilateral Iliac Obstruction --;5.3 Bilateral Iliac Obstruction (Without Caval Obstruction). --;5.4 Postrenal Occlusion of the Inferior Vena Cava --;5.5 Obstruction of the Middle Portion of the Inferior Vena Cava --;5.6 Obstruction of the Upper Portion of the Inferior Vena Cava --;References --;6. Retroperitoneal Compressions of the Inferior Vena Cava --;6.1 The Retroperitoneal Space --;6.2 Kidney --;6.3 Adrenals --;6.4 Arterial Anomalies --;6.5 Retroperitoneal Tumors --;6.6 Retroperitoneal Lymph Node Involvements --;6.7 Tumors of the Inferior Vena Cava --;References --;7. Retroperitoneal Fibrosis --;7.1 Clinical Data --;7.2 Radiologic Investigations --;7.3 Treatment --;References --;8. Inferior Vena Cavography in Hepatic and Intraperitoneal Diseases --;8.1 Anatomical Considerations --;8.2 Technique --;8.3 Radiologic Features --;References --;9. Renal Venography --;9.1 Anatomy --;9.2 Technique --;9.3 Normal Findings --;9.4 Pathologic Findings --;9.5 Indications --;9.6 Conclusion --;References --;10. Adrenal Venography --;10.1 Review of the Anatomy --;10.2 Technique --;10.3 Results --;10.4 Indications --;10.5 Conclusion --;References --;11. Spermatic Venography --;11.1 Embryology --;11.2 Anatomy --;11.3 Technique --;11.4 Results --;11.5 Other Indications --;References --;12. Hepatic Venography --;12.1 History --;12.2 Anatomy --;12.3 Technique --;12.4 Pathologic Findings --;References --;13. Pelvic Venography in Females --;13.1 Introduction --;13.2 Angiographic Exploration Techniques --;13.3 Radioanatomy of the Pelvic Veins in Women --;13.4 Pelvic Venography in Genital Tumors --;13.5 Syndrome of Ureteral Compression by the Ovarian Vein --;13.6 Pelvic Varices in Women --;13.7 Pelvic Veins and Pulmonary Embolism --;References --;14. Lumbar Phlebography --;14.1 Technique --;14.2 Radioanatomy --;14.3 Indications --;References.
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