Structure determination --;Amino acid analysis --;Sequence determination --;End group determination --;Sequential degradation --;Sequence determination with the help of mass spectra --;Fragmentation of peptides --;Secondary and tertiary structure --;Architectural features in peptides --;Methods for the analysis of conformation of peptides --;Prediction of conformation in peptides --;Peptide synthesis --;Formation of the peptide bond --;Acid chloride method --;Acid azide method --;Anhydrides --;Active esters --;Coupling reagents --;Enzyme-catalyzed bond formation --;Non-conventional methods of peptide bond formation --;Protection of functional groups --;Blocking of [alpha]-amino groups --;Blocking of side chain amino groups --;Protection of the carboxyl group --;Protection of hydroxyl groups --;Blocking of the sulfhydryl group --;Masking the thioether in methionine --;Protection of the guanidine function in the arginine side chain --;Masking the imidazole in histidine --;Indole protection --;Carboxamide blocking groups. (cont) Undesired reactions during synthesis --;Base-catalyzed ring closure --;Acid-catalyzed ring closure --;Acyl migration --;Alkylation --;Friedel-Crafts reaction --;Saturation of aromatic nuclei --;Reductive cleavage of the peptide chain --;Oxidative decomposition of the indole in tryptophan --;Side reactions caused by steric hindrance --;Prevention and suppression of side reactions --;Racemization --;Mechanism of racemization --;Detection of racemization --;Racemization studies in model systems --;Prevention of racemization --;Design of schemes for peptide synthesis --;Segment condensation --;Stepwise chain-lengthening starting with the N-terminal residue --;Stepwise chain-lengthening starting with the C-terminal residue --;Tactical consideration --;Synthesis of special target peptides --;Solid phase peptide synthesis --;Insoluble polymeric support and the bond linking the peptide to the resin --;Removal of temporary blocking groups --;Coupling: acylation of the resin-bound amine-component --;Separation of the completed peptide chain from the polymeric support and final deprotection. (cont) Some problems encountered in solid phase peptide synthesis --;Methods of facilitation --;Chains attached to a soluble polymer --;Picolyl ester method --;Rapid synthesis --;Synthesis in situ --;Simultaneous synthesis of peptide analogs --;Insoluble reagents --;Analysis and characterization of synthetic peptides --;Homogeneity tests --;Amino acid analysis and sequence determination --;Elemental analysis --;Measurement of optical activity --;Infrared and ultraviolet absorption spectra --;Nuclear magnetic resonance spectra --;Molecular-weight determination.
موضوع (اسم عام یاعبارت اسمی عام)
موضوع مستند نشده
Amino acid sequence.
موضوع مستند نشده
Peptides -- Synthesis.
موضوع مستند نشده
نام شخص به منزله سر شناسه - (مسئولیت معنوی درجه اول )