1 Introduction --;1.1 Presentation of a Catalogue of Criteria --;1.2 Organization of the Survey --;2 Traditional Distributed File Systems --;2.1 Alpine --;2.2 Andrew File System (AFS) --;2.3 Cedar File System (CFS) --;2.4 Coda --;2.5 Extended File System (EFS) --;2.6 HARKYS --;2.7 IBIS --;2.8 Network File System (NFS) --;2.9 Remote File Sharing (RFS) --;2.10 S-/F-UNIX --;2.11 Spritely NFS --;2.12 VAXcluster --;2.13 Xerox Distributed File System (XDFS) --;3 Object-Oriented Distributed File Systems --;3.1 DOMAIN --;3.2 Helix --;3.3 SWALLOW --;4 Traditional Distributed Operating Systems --;4.1 Accent --;4.2 Cambridge Distributed Computing System (CDCS) --;4.3 Charlotte --;4.4 DEMOS/MP --;4.5 DIOS --;4.6 Distributed Academic Computing Networking OS (DACNOS) --;4.7 DUNE --;4.8 DUNIX --;4.9 Freedomnet --;4.10 HERMIX --;4.11 JASMIN --;4.12 LOCUS --;4.13 MACH --;4.14 Multicomputer Operating System (MOS) --;4.15 Newcastle Connection --;4.16 PULSE --;4.17 QuickSilver --;4.18 Research Oriented Distributed Operating System (RHODOS) --;4.19 Saguaro --;4.20 Sprite --;4.21 V --;4.22 WANDA --;4.23 Wisdom --;5 Object-Oriented Distributed Operating Systems --;5.1 Alpha --;5.2 Amoeba --;5.3 Argus --;5.4 BirliX --;5.5 Chorus --;5.6 Clouds --;5.7 Cronus --;5.8 Cosmos --;5.9 Eden --;5.10 Gothic --;5.11 Grenoble Universities Integrated Distributed Environment (Guide) --;5.12 Gutenberg --;5.13 MARUTI --;5.14 NEXUS --;5.15 Process Execution And Communication Environment (PEACE) --;5.16 Profemo --;5.17 Prospero --;5.18 SOMIW Operating System (SOS) --;6 Closely Related Systems --;6.1 Athena --;6.2 Avalon --;6.3 DAPHNE --;6.4 DASH --;6.5 Emerald --;6.6 Enchère --;6.7 Galaxy --;6.8 Global, Active and Flexible File Environment Study (GAFFES) --;6.9 Grapevine --;6.10 Heterogeneous Computer System (HCS) --;6.11 Incremental Architecture for Distributed Systems (INCAS) --;6.12 ISIS --;6.13 Medusa --;6.14 Meglos --;6.15 Mirage --;6.16 Network Computing Architecture/System (NCA/NCS) --;6.17 Plan 9 --;6.18 Psyche --;6.19 Server Message Block Protocol (SMB) --;6.20 Symunix --;6.21 Synthesis --;6.22 x-Kernel --;7 Table of Comparison --;8 Related Projects --;8.1 Acorn --;8.2 Agora --;8.3 Amber --;8.4 Arachne --;8.5 Arca --;8.6 Arcade --;8.7 Archons (ArchOS) --;8.8 Argos --;8.9 Arjuna --;8.10 Boston Community Information System (BCIS) --;8.11 Camelot --;8.12 Carnegie Mellon Central File System (CMCFS) --;8.13 Choices --;8.14 Circus --;8.15 Clearinghouse --;8.16 Cocanet --;8.17 Computing System for Societies of Agents (CSSA) --;8.18 CONIC --;8.19 Customer Information Control System (CICS) --;8.20 Datacomputer --;8.21 Deceit --;8.22 DEMOS --;8.23 DFS925 --;8.24 DISTRIX --;8.25 Dragon Slayer --;8.26 Echo --;8.27 Encompass --;8.28 Felix --;8.29 Ficus --;8.30 FileNet --;8.31 Firefly --;8.32 Generic File System (GFS) --;8.33 Helios --;8.34 HERON --;8.35 Intelligent Distributed Resource Processing System (IDRPS) --;8.36 Interim Füe System (IFS) --;8.37 Language for Distributed Systems (LADY) --;8.38 Lynx --;8.39 Management of Distributed Systems (MANDIS) --;8.40 Melampus --;8.41 Meta --;8.42 MICROS --;8.43 MODOS --;8.44 Munin --;8.45 Network Workstations (NEST) --;8.46 Networked Resource Discovery Project (NRDP) --;8.47 NonStop --;8.48 Onyx --;8.49 PHARROS --;8.50 Presto --;8.51 R? --;8.52 Rapport --;8.53 RNFS --;8.54 Rochester's Intelligent Gateway (RIG) --;8.55 ROE --;8.56 Roscoe --;8.57 RSS --;8.58 RT PC Distributed Services --;8.59 S/Net's Linda Kernel --;8.60 Sesame --;8.61 StarOS --;8.62 STORK --;8.63 Thoth --;8.64 TimixV2 --;8.65 Topaz (Taos) --;8.66 Transparent Integrated Local and Distributed Environment (TILDE) --;8.67 Transparent Remote Füe System (TRFS) --;8.68 Trollius (Trillium) --;8.69 Universal Poly-Processor with Enhanced Reliability (UPPER) --;8.70 Woodstock File Server (WFS) --;8.71 Xcode --;8.72 Z-Ring File Server.
یادداشتهای مربوط به خلاصه یا چکیده
متن يادداشت
In general, distributed systems can be classified into Distributed File Systems (DFS) and Distributed Operating Systems (DOS). A traditional approach is one where processes are the active components in the systems and where the name space is hierarchically organized.
موضوع (اسم عام یاعبارت اسمی عام)
موضوع مستند نشده
Computer communication networks.
موضوع مستند نشده
Computer science.
موضوع مستند نشده
Computer system performance.
رده بندی کنگره
شماره رده
نشانه اثر
نام شخص به منزله سر شناسه - (مسئولیت معنوی درجه اول )