Preface; Musa spp. -- Functional Properties, Biofortification, and Bioavailability; Abstract; Introduction; Identification of Musa spp. Genotypes with Functional Properties; 1. Resistant Starch; 1.1. Functional Properties of Starch; 2. Phenolic Compounds; 2.1. Antioxidant Activity and Bioavailability of Phenolic Compounds; 3. Bioactive Amines (Polyamines and Biogenic Amines); 4. Carotenoids; 4.1. Provitamin A Compounds and Bioavailability; Conclusion; References; Chemical Composition and Bioactive Compounds in Bananas and Postharvest Alterations; Abstract; Introduction.
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4.4. In Metallurgical Field4.5. In Energy Drinks; 4.6. Medical Application; Conclusion; References; Banana as a Food Allergen Source; Abstract; Introduction; Proteomic Analysis; Banana Proteins Related to Pathogenesis; Banana Profilin and Proteins of Oxidative Processes; Allergy to Banana; Allergenicity of Banana Proteins; Conclusion; Acknowledgments; References; Index.
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Anaerobic Digestion, ADBio-Ethanol Fermentation; Bio-Hydrogen Fermentation; Combined Bio-Ethanol/Bio-Hydrogen and Biogas Production; Conclusion; References; Biographical Sketch; Banana Pseudostem Sap: An Important Agro-Waste for Diversified Applications Including Textile; Abstract; 1. Introduction; 2. Banana Pseudostem: An Overview; 3. Chemical Composition of BPS; Different End Uses of BPS Molecules; 4.1. Organic Fertilizer; 4.2. Nutrient Spray Solution; 4.3. Application in Textiles; (A) In Natural Dyeing and Art Work; (B) Fire Retardant Finish; (C) UV Protection.
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Chemical Composition of BananasProximate Composition; Moisture; Sugars; Protein; Fat; Fibre; Ash; Mineral Elements; Bioactive Compounds; Phenolic Compounds; Carotenoids; Vitamins; Effect of Postharvest Treatments and Storage Conditions in the Quality of Bananas; Storage Temperature; Controlled Atmosphere and Modified Atmosphere; Use of 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP); Other Treatments; Conclusion; References; Biographical Sketch; Sustainable Management of Banana Waste through Renewable Energy and Bio-Fertilizer Generation; Abstract; Introduction; Characteristics of Banana Waste; Pre-Treatments.