یادداشتهای مربوط به کتابنامه ، واژه نامه و نمایه های داخل اثر
متن يادداشت
Includes bibliographical references (pages 485-527) and index.
یادداشتهای مربوط به مندرجات
متن يادداشت
Chronology of Boccaccio's life and works / Victoria Kirkham -- Introduction: a man of many turns / Janet Levarie Smarr -- The vernacular master. Also known as "Prencipe Galeotto" (Decameron) / Ronald L. Martinez ; The textual history of the Decameron / Brian Richardson -- The autodidact. Moments of Latin poetry (Carmina) / Giuseppe Velli ; A fable of the world's creation and Phaeton's fall (Allegoria mitologica) / Steven M. Grossvogel ; A portrait of a young humanist (Epistolae 1-4) / Jason Houston -- Classical romances. Love-struck in Naples (Filostrato) / David Wallace ; A lovers' tale and auspicious beginning (Filocolo) / Elissa Weaver ; The girl outside the window (Teseida delle nozze d'Emilia) / Michael Sherberg -- Allegorical terza rima. The game of love (Caccia di Diana) / Arielle Saiber ; Mural morality in Tableaux vivants (Amorosa visione) / Jonathan Usher -- New pastorals. On the threshold of paradise (Comedia delle ninfe fiorentine, or Ameto) / Jane Tylus ; Myth and history: toward a new order (Ninfale fiesolano) / Susanna Barsella ; The changing landscape of the self (Buccolicum carmen) / David Lummus -- Woman and women. An experiment in the healing power of literature (Elegia di Madonna Fiammetta) / Annelise M. Brody ; Rhetoric and invective in love's labyrinth (Il corbaccio) / Letizia Panizza ; Doing and undoing: Boccaccio's feminism (De mulieribus claris) / Deanna Shemek -- Devotion to Dante and Petrarch. A life in progress (De vita et moribus Francisci Petracchi de Florentia) / Giuseppe Mazzotta ; To praise Dante, to please Petrarch (Trattatello in laude di Dante) / Elsa Filosa ; Boccaccio's divided allegiance (Esposizioni sopra la "comedia") / Robert Hollander -- Historian and humanist. Gods, greeks, and poetry (Genealogia deorum gentilium) / Jon Solomon ; Boccaccio on fortune (De casibus virorum illustrium) / Simone Marchesi -;Vernacularization in context (Volgarizzamenti of Livy, Valerius Maximus, and Ovid) / Alison Cornish -- Geographical explorations. Boccaccio's humanistic ethnography (De canaria) / James K. Coleman ; Between text and territory (De montibus, silvis, fontibus, lacubus, fluminibus, stagnis seu paludibus et de diversis nominibus maris) / Theodore J. Cachey Jr -- Miscellanies: lyrics, letters, notebooks. Pathways through the lyric forest (Rime) / Roberto Fedi ; Personality and conflict (Epistole, lettere) / Todd Boli ; Boccaccio's working notebooks (Zibaldone laurenziano, miscellanea laurenziana, Zibaldone magliabechiano) / Claude Cazalé-Bérard -- Epilogue. A visual legacy (Boccaccio as artist) / Victoria Kirkham -- An intimate self-portrait (Testamentum) / Michael Papio.
بدون عنوان
یادداشتهای مربوط به خلاصه یا چکیده
متن يادداشت
"Long celebrated as one of "the Three Crowns" of Florence, Giovanni Boccaccio (1313-75) experimented widely with the forms of literature. His prolific and innovative writings--which range beyond the novella, from lyric to epic, from biography to mythography and geography, from pastoral and romance to invective--became powerful models for authors in Italy and across the Continent. This collection of essays presents Boccaccio's life and creative output in its encyclopedic diversity. Exploring a variety of genres, Latin as well as Italian, it provides short descriptions of all his works, situates them in his oeuvre, and features critical expositions of their most salient features and innovations. Designed for readers at all levels, it will appeal to scholars of literature, medieval and Renaissance studies, humanism and the classical tradition; as well as European historians, art historians, and students of material culture and the history of the book. Anchored by an introduction and chronology, this volume contains contributions by prominent Boccaccio scholars in the United States, as well as essays by contributors from France, Italy, and the United Kingdom. The year 2013, Boccaccio's seven-hundredth birthday, will be an important one for the study of his work and will see an increase in academic interest in reassessing his legacy."--Publisher's description.
یادداشتهای مربوط به سفارشات
منبع سفارش / آدرس اشتراک
Univ of Chicago Pr, Attn: John Kessler C/O Chicago Distribution Center 11030 Langley Ave, Chicago, IL, USA, 60628
نام شخص به منزله موضوع
موضوع مستند نشده
Boccaccio, Giovanni,1313-1375-- Criticism and interpretation.