Spiritual dimensions of Bediuzzaman Said Nursi's Risale-i nur
First Statement of Responsibility
\ edited and with an introduction by Ibrahim M. Abu-Rabi
Place of Publication, Distribution, etc.
Name of Publisher, Distributor, etc.
: State University of New York Press
Date of Publication, Distribution, etc.
, c2008.
Specific Material Designation and Extent of Item
x, 438 p.
Text of Note
Includes bibliographical references (p. 417-425) and index.
Text of Note
Editor's introduction -- A survey of the main spiritual themes of the Risale-i nur / Sükran Vahide -- The six-sided vision of Said Nursi : towards a spiritual architecture of the Risale-i nur / Colin Turner -- -- Grounded spirituality : the challenge of Bediuzzaman Said Nursi / Ian Markham -- At the heart of the matter : faith and belief in the poetic imagery of Bediuzzaman Said Nursi / Jane I. Smith -- Faith development and spiritual maturation in the works of Said Nursi / Marcia Hermansen -- The spirit of worship and the result of sincere belief : Nursi's Mathnawi al-Arabi al-Nuri as a handbook for the contemplative life / Lucinda Mosher -- The chief characteristics of spirituality in Said Nursi's thought / Bilal Kuspinar -- Dreams and dream interpretation in Said Nursi's Risale-i nur : Islamic, Judaic, and universal resonances / Yehezkel Landau -- For you, illness is good health : Said Nursi's spirituality in his approach to physical illness / Thomas Michel -- Nursi on hatred as the root of violence / Mustafa Ulusoy -- Taking faith to heart : reconciliation and peacebuilding in Islam / Asma Afsaruddin -- Said Nursi's vision for a new universal culture of dialogue / Abdelaziz Berghout -- The threat to spirituality / Fred A. Reed -- Shaykh Ahmad Sirhindi and Bediüzzaman Nursi : some comparative considerations / Yohanan Friedmann -- Visions of plurality in unity : Said Nursi, Muhyiddin Ibn Arabi and the question of the unity of being / Stephen HirtensteIn -- Exploring the spiritual dimensions of nature : Ahmed-i Jiziri and Said Nursi / M. Sait Özervarli -- Sincerity in the thought of Muhammad Iqbal and Bediuzzman Said Nursi / Ahmet Albayrak -- Spirit and spirituality : linking the lives of two twentieth-century pioneers / Miriam Terese Winter -- Selections from Nursi's writings on spirituality / Sükran Vahide.