Introduction: Toward a post-orientalist Islamic approach to Islamic religious studies / Carl W. Ernst and Richard C. Martin -- Rethinking modernity: Islamic perspectives: Reasons public and divine: liberal democracy, shariʻa fundamentalism, and the epistemological crisis of Islam / Vincent J. Cornell -- The misrecognition of a modern Islamist organization: Germany faces "fundamentalism" / Katherine Pratt Ewing -- Between "ijtihad of the presupposition" and gender equality: cross-pollination between progressive Islam and Iranian reform / Omid Safi -- Fundamentalism and the transparency of the Arabic Qur'an -- A. Kevin Reinhart -- Can we define "true" Islam? African American Muslim women respond to transnational Muslim identities / Jamillah Karim -- Rethinking religion: social scientific and humanistic perspectives: Who are the Islamists? / Charles Kurzman and Ijlal Naqvi -- Sufism, exemplary lives, and social science in Pakistan / David Gilmartin -- Formations of orthodoxy: authority, power, and networks in Muslim societies / Richard C. Martin and Abbas Barzegar -- Caught between enlightenment and romanticism: on the complex relation of religious, ethnic, and civic identity in a modern "museum culture" / Louis A. Ruprecht, Jr. -- Rethinking the subject: Asian perspectives: The subject and the ostensible subject: mapping the genre of hagiography among South Asian Chishtis / Tony K. Stewart -- Dancing with khusro: gender ambiguities and poetic performance in a Delhi dargah / Scott Kugle -- The perils of civilizational Islam in Malaysia / Carl W. Ernst -- History and normativity in traditional Indian Muslim thought: reading shariʻa in the hermeneutics of Qari Muhammad Tayyab (d. 1983) / Ebrahim Moosa -- Afterword: competing genealogies of Muslim cosmopolitanism / Bruce B. Lawrence.