edited by Samuel Sideman, Rafael Beyar, and Amir Landesberg
Title Proper
The communicative cardiac cell
Date of Publication, Distribution, etc.
Specific Material Designation and Extent of Item
xxiv, 426 p. :ill.
Series Title
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences ;v. 1047
Text of Note
مرجع به حساب نمي آيد
Text of Note
The cellular communications maze / by Samuel Sideman -- From organ to molecule, steps and consequences / by Rafael Beyar -- Evolution of the heart: from bacteria to man / by Nanette H. Bishopric -- The miscommunicative cardiac cell: when good proteins go bad / by Aldrin V. Gomes, Gayathri Venkatraman and James D. Potter -- Multiple stem cell population contributes to the formation of the myocardium / by Leonard M. Eisenberg, Ricardo Moreno, and Roger R. Markwald -- Differentiation pathways in human embryonic stem cell derived cardiomyocytes / by Sophie Lev, Izhak Kehat, and Lior Gepstein -- Functional properties of human embryonic stem cells derived myocte / by Ofer Binah ... [et al.] -- The assembly of calcium release units in the cardiac muscle / by Clara Franzini-Armstrong, Feliciano Protasi and Pierre Tijskens -- Calcium signaling in cardiac ventricular myocytes / by Donald M. Bers and Tao Guo --The cellular communications maze / by Samuel Sideman -- From organ to molecule, steps and consequences / by Rafael Beyar -- Evolution of the heart: from bacteria to man / by Nanette H. Bishopric -- The miscommunicative cardiac cell: when good proteins go bad / by Aldrin V. Gomes, Gayathri Venkatraman and James D. Potter -- Multiple stem cell population contributes to the formation of the myocardium / by Leonard M. Eisenberg, Ricardo Moreno, and Roger R. Markwald -- Differentiation pathways in human embryonic stem cell derived cardiomyocytes / by Sophie Lev, Izhak Kehat, and Lior G