Includes bibliographical references )p. ]703[-751( and index
Text of Note
Prostitution in London )2681( -- "The maiden tribute of modern Babylon" )5881( -- "The traffic in women" )0191( -- "Hikite-jaya" )"Introducing tea-houses"( )9981( -- "Le crepuscule du soir" )"evening twilight"( )1681( -- "Jenny" )0781( -- "To a common prostitute" )0091( -- "The ruined maid" )1091( -- "Frankie and Johnnie" )early 0091s( -- "The house of the rising sun" )7391( -- World charter for prostitutes' rights )5891( -- Sex workers' manifesto )7991( -- Asia Pacific network of sex workers code of practice for working with peer educators )4002( -- Documents from the European conference on sex work, human rights, labour, and migration )5002( -- Occupational health and safety in the Australian sex industry )0002( -- The mann act )0191( -- The 9491 convention for the suppression of the traffic in persons and of the exploitation of the prostitution of others -- International human rights standards and the rights of sex workers )5002( -- On laws affecting sex workers )3002, 5002( -- "Crime, sex, money, and migration : the negotiations on the United Nations protocol on trafficking in persons" )3002( -- What is "demand" in the context of trafficking in persons?