/ [House of Commons, Parliament, Great Britain]
Place of Publication, Distribution, etc.
Name of Publisher, Distributor, etc.
: Printed for His Majesty's Stationery Office by Harrison and Sons
Date of Publication, Distribution, etc.
, [1902-1906].
Specific Material Designation and Extent of Item
۱مجلد (شمارهگذاري گوناگون)
Text of Note
اين كتاب مجموعه گزارشات تلگراف شده به مجلس نمايندگان انگلستان در فاصلهي سالهاي ۱۹۰۶-۱۹۰۲ ميباشد كه بر حسب منطقه جدا شده و هر كدام صفحه عنوان مجزا دارد.
Text of Note
[Further correspondence respecting the affairs of South - Eastern Europe, Turkey. No.2. 1905], Morocco. No.1. (1906). Cd. 3087 : Despatches from the British delegate at the international conference at Algeciras....affairs of Morocco. Cd.2370 : East India (Tibet), further papers relating to Tibet. No.III. part 2: correspondence received from the Government of India. Cd. 2348 : Russia. No.1 (1905). Correspondence respecting contraband of war in connection with the hostilities between Russia and Japan. Cd.1879 : further correspondence respecting the affairs of South - Eastern Europe. Turkey. No.2 (1904) Cd. 2490 : further correspondence....Turkey. No.2 (1905).Cd. 1529 : reports ... Egypt and Sudan in 1902, Egypt. No.1 (1903). Cd. 1951: reports...in 1903, Egypt. No.1 (1904). Cd. 2409 : reports...in 1904 Egypt. No.1 (1905). Cd.2817 : reports... in 1905, Egypt. No.1 (1906).Cd. 3394 : reports...in 1906, Egypt. No.1(1907). Cd. 1399 : correspondence ... affairs of Venezuela, No.1 (1903). ..