Introduction / Benjamin Z. Kedar and Merry E. Wiesner-Hanks -- Part I, Global developments. Humans and the environment : tension and co-evolution / Joachim Radkau -- Women, family, gender, and sexuality / Susan Stuard -- Society : hierarchy and solidarity / Susan Reynolds -- Educational institutions / Linda Walton -- Warfare / Clifford Rogers -- Part II, Eurasian commonalities. Courtly cultures : Western Europe, Byzantium, the Islamic world, India, China, and Japan / Patrick Geary, Daud Ali, Paul S. Atkins, Michael Cooperson, Rita Costa Gomes, Paul Dutton, Gert Melville, Claudia Rapp, Karl-Heinz Spiess, Stephen West and Pauline Yu -- The age of trans-regional reorientations : cultural crystallization and transformation in the tenth to thirteenth centuries / Björn Wittrock -- Part III, Growing interactions. Trade and commerce across Afro-Eurasia / Richard Smith -- European and Mediterranean trade networks / Michel Balard -- Trading partners across the Indian Ocean : the making of maritime communities / Himanshu Ray -- Technology and innovation within expanding webs of exchange / Dagmar Schaefer and Marcus Popplow -- The transmission of science and philosophy / Charles Burnett -- Pastoral nomadic migrations and conquests / Anatoly Khazanov -- Part IV, Expanding religious systems. The centrality of Islamic civilization / Michael Cook -- Christendom's regional systems / Miri Rubin -- The spread of Buddhism / Tansen Sen -- Part V, State formations. State formation and empire building / Johann Arnason -- State formation in China from the Sui through the Song dynasties / Richard von Glahn -- The Mongol empire and inter-civilizational exchange / Michal Biran -- Byzantium / Jean-Claude Cheynet -- Early polities of the Western Sudan / David Conrad -- Mesoamerican state formation in the postclassic period / Michael E. Smith -- State and religion in the Inca empire / Sabine MacCormack -- 'Proto-globalization' and 'proto-glocalizations' in the middle millennium / Diego Holstein.
Text of Note
Volume 5 of the Cambridge World History series uncovers the cross-cultural exchange and conquest, and the accompanying growth of regional and trans-regional states, religions, and economic systems, during the period 500 to 1500. The volume begins by outlining a series of core issues and processes across the world, including human relations with nature, gender and family, social hierarchies, education, and warfare."Volume 5 of the Cambridge World History series uncovers the cross-cultural exchange and conquest, and the accompanying growth of regional and trans-regional states, religions, and economic systems, during the period 500 to 1500. The volume begins by outlining a series of core issues and processes across the world, including human relations with nature, gender and family, social hierarchies, education, and warfare."Volume 5 of the Cambridge World History series uncovers the cross-cultural exchange and conquest, and the accompanying growth of regional and trans-regional states, religions, and economic systems, during the period 500 to 1500. The volume begins by outlining a series of core issues and processes across the world, including human relations with nature, gender and family, social hierarchies, education, and warfare.",,,,,,"Volume focusing on world history from 500 to 1500 CE, presenting essays that highlight cross-cultural exchange and conquest, and the accompanying growth of states, religions, knowledge, and economicVolume focusing on world history from 500 to 1500 CE, presenting essays that highlight cross-cultural exchange and conquest, and the accompanying growth of states, religions, knowledge, and economicsystems. Global chapters focus on core issues such as social hierarchies, family, and warfare, along with insightful regional analyses.Volume focusing on world history from 500 to 1500 CE, presenting essays that highlight cross-cultural exchange and conquest, and the accompanying growth of states, religions, knowledge, and economicVolume focusing on world history from 500 to 1500 CE, presenting essays that highlight cross-cultural exchange and conquest, and the accompanying growth of states, religions, knowledge, and economicsystems. Global chapters focus on core issues such as social hierarchies, family, and warfare, along with insightful regional analyses.Volume focusing on world history from 500 to 1500 CE, presenting essays that highlight cross-cultural exchange and conquest, and the accompanying growth of states, religions, knowledge, and economicVolume focusing on world history from 500 to 1500 CE, presenting essays that highlight cross-cultural exchange and conquest, and the accompanying growth of states, religions, knowledge, and economicsystems. Global chapters focus on core issues such as social hierarchies, family, and warfare, along with insightful regional analyses.Read less
Parallel Title
Expanding webs of exchange and conflict, 500 CE-1500 CE