v. 1A. Part 1: Agricultural production. Production and supply / Yair Mundlak -- Uncertainty, risk aversion, and risk management for agricultural producers / Giancarlo Moschini, David A. Hennessy -- Expectations, information and dynamics / Marc Nerlove, David A. Bessler -- The agricultural innovation process : research and technology adoption in a changing agricultural sector / David Sunding, David Zilberman -- Structural change in agricultural production : economics, technology and policy / Jean-Paul Chavas -- Land institutions and land markets / Klaus Deininger, Gershon Feder -- Human capital : education and agriculture / Wallace E. Huffman -- Women's roles in the agricultural household : bargaining and human capital investments / T. Paul Schultz -- Human capital : migration and rural population change / J. Edward Taylor, Philip L. Martin -- Agricultural finance : credit, credit constraints, and consequences / Peter J. Barry, Lindon J. Robison -- Economic impacts of agricultural research and extension / Robert E. Evenson -- The agricultural producer : theory and statistical measurement / Richard E. Just, Rulon D. Pope.
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v. 1B. Part 2: Marketing, distribution and consumers. Agricultural commodity markets : spot, futures, options, forward contracts and derivatives / Jeffrey C. Williams -- Storage and price stabilization / Brian Wright -- Food processing and distribution : an industrial organization approach / Richard J. Sexton, Nathalie Lavoie -- Marketing margins : empirical analysis / Michael K. Wohlgenant -- Spatial price analysis / Paul L. Fackler, Barry K. Goodwin -- Duality for the householdc : theory and applications / Jeffrey T. LaFrance -- Economic analysis of food safety / John M. Antle -- Marketing and distribution : theory and statistical measurement / James Vercammen, Aandrew Schmitz -- Production and marketing / Rachael E. Goodhue, Gordon C. Rausser.
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v. 2A. Part 3: Agriculture, natural resources and the environment. The economics of agriculture in developing countries : the role of the environment / Ramón López -- Agriculture and the environment / Erik Lichtenberg -- Common-pool resources and institutions : toward a revised theory / Elinor Ostrom -- Agriculture and ecosystem services / Geoffrey M. Heal, Arthur A. Small -- Part 4: Agriculture in the macroeconomy. Applied general equilibrium analysis of agricultural and resource policies / Thomas E. Bertel -- Agriculture and the macroeconomy, with emphasis on developing countries / Maurice Schiff, Alberto Valdés -- The macroeconomics of agriculture / Pier Giorgio Ardeni, John Freebairn -- Agriculture and economic development / C. Peter Timmer -- The rural sector in transition economies / Karen Brooks, John Nash -- Rural development and rural policy / Alain De Janvry, Elisabeth Sadoulet, Rinku Murgai -- Agriculture in the macroeconomy : theory and measurement / Philip Abbott, Alex McCalla.
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v. 2B. Part 5: Agricultural and food policy. The incidence of agricultural policy / Julian M. Alston, Jennifer S. James -- Infonnation, incentives, and the design of agricultural policies / Robert G. Chambers -- Market failures and second-best analysis with a focus on nutrition, credit, and incomplete markets / Robert Innes -- Political economy of agricultural policy / Harry De Gorter and Johan Swinnen -- A synthesis of agricultural trade economics / Larry S. Karp, Jeffrey M. Perloff -- International trade policy and negotiations / Daniel A. Sumner, Stefan Tangermann -- Public policy : its many analytical dimensions / Gordon C. Rausser, Rachael E. Goodhue -- Food security and food assistance programs / Christopher B. Barrett -- Food security and the world food situation / R.C. Duncan -- Policy-related developments in agricultural economics : synthesis of handbook volume 2 / Bruce L. Gardner and D. Gale Johnson.
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v. 3. Agricultural development : farmers, farm production and farm markets. Part 1: Introduction -- Part 2: Human resources and techmology mastery -- Part 3: Invention and innovation -- Part 4: Markets, institutions and transaction costs -- Part 5: Natural resources -- v. 4. Part 1: Policies for agricultural development -- Part 2: Regional perspectives in agricultural development -- Part 3: Agriculture growth and development.