The Best Approximation Method in Computational Mechanics
General Material Designation
First Statement of Responsibility
by Theodore V. Hromadka.
Place of Publication, Distribution, etc.
London :
Name of Publisher, Distributor, etc.
Springer London,
Date of Publication, Distribution, etc.
Text of Note
Contents: Topics in Functional Analysis -- Integration Theory -- Hilbert Space and Generalized Fourier Series -- Linear Operators -- The Best Approximation Method and Applications -- Solving Potential Problems Using the Best Approximation Method -- Applications to Linear Operator Equations.
Text of Note
With the overwhelming use of computers in engineering, science and physics, the approximate solution of complex mathematical systems of equations is almost commonplace. The Best Approximation Method unifies many of the numerical methods used in computational mechanics. Nevertheless, despite the vast quantities of synthetic data there is still some doubt concerning the validity and accuracy of these approximations. This publication assists the computer modeller in his search for the best approximation by presenting functional analysis concepts. Computer programs are provided which can be used by readers with FORTRAN capability. The classes of problems examined include engineering applications, applied mathematics, numerical analysis and computational mechanics. The Best Approximation Method in Computational Mechanics serves as an introduction to functional analysis and mathematical analysis of computer modelling algorithms. It makes computer modellers aware of already established principles and results assembled in functional analysis.