Parametric and Semiparametric Models with Applications to Reliability, Survival Analysis, and Quality of Life
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edited by N. Balakrishnan, M. S. Nikulin, M. Mesbah, N. Limnios.
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Boston, MA :
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Imprint: Birkhäuser,
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Series Title
Statistics for Industry and Technology
Text of Note
I: Cox Models and Analyses -- 1 Estimation in Partly Parametric Additive Cox Models -- 2 Nonparametric Maximum Likelihood Estimation in the Proportional Hazards Model with Covariate Measurement Error -- 3 Diagnostics for Cox's Proportional Hazards Model -- II: Degradation Models and Analyses -- 4 Semiparametric Analysis of Degradation and Failure Time Data with Covariates -- 5 On a Degradation-Failure Model for Repairable Items -- 6 Comparison of Parametric and Semiparametric Estimates in a Degradation Model with Covariates and Traumatic Censoring -- III: Accelerated Failure Time Models and Analyses -- 7 Accelerated Life Testing, Fuzzy Information and Generalized Probability -- 8 Asymptotic Theory in Rank Estimation for AFT Model Under Fixed Censorship -- 9 An Example of Optimal Design in Accelerated Experiments -- IV: Aging Properties and Analyses -- 10 Aspects of Multivariate Aging in Exchangeable Frailty Models -- 11 Semiparametric Models in the Studies of Aging and Longevity -- V: Analyses of Censored and Truncated Data -- 12 Semiparametric Transformation Models for Arbitrarily Censored and Truncated Data -- 13 EM Algorithm for Type-II Right Censored Bivariate Normal Data -- 14 Statistical Estimation Based on Interval Censored Data -- VI: Regression Methods and Applications -- 15 The Covariate Order Method for Nonparametric Exponential Regression and Some Applications in Other Lifetime Models -- 16 Effect of Ignoring Heterogeneity in Hazards Regression -- VII: Time Series Analysis -- 17 An Introduction to Efficient Estimation for Semiparametric Time Series -- VIII: Inferential Analysis -- 18 Distance-based Multivariate Two Sample Tests -- 18 Empirical Likelihood in Nonparametric and Semiparametric Models -- 19 Goodness of Fit Tests of L2-Type -- IX: Multicentre Studies -- 12 Asymptotic Properties of the CRT Estimators for Multicentre Studies -- X: Quality of Life Studies -- 22 HRQoL and Concomitant Adjusted Mean Residual Life Analysis -- 23 Semiparametric Approach to the Multivariate Mixed Rasch Model -- XI: Breast Cancer Studies -- 24 Breast Cancer Prognosis Using Survival Forests -- 25 Semiparametric Versus Parametric Regression Analysis Based on the Bounded Cumulative Hazard Model: An Application to Breast Cancer Recurrence -- XII: Inference for Processes -- 26 Estimation of Analytic Spectral Density of Gaussian Stationary Processes -- 27 Sub-optimal Estimation of an Unknown function from Stationary Noisy Data -- 28 On Parameter Estimation by Contaminated Observations of Ergodic Diffusion Processes auYu. A. Kutoyants -- 29 On Parameter Estimation for a Position-Dependent Marking of a Doubly Stochastic Poisson Process -- 30 Discrete Time Semi-Markov Processes for Reliability and Survival Analysis - A Nonparametric Estimation Approach -- 31 Non-parametric Estimation on Lifetimes of Subjects Exposed to Radiation from a Semi-Markov Process -- XIII: Probability Theory and Applications -- 32 An Extension of Lévy' s Formula to Weighted Wiener Processes -- 33 Sur l'Inégalité de Concentration de Doeblin-Lévy, Rogozin-Kesten.
Text of Note
Parametric and semiparametric models are tools with a wide range of applications to reliability, survival analysis, and quality of life. This self-contained volume examines these tools in survey articles written by experts currently working on the development and evaluation of models and methods. While a number of chapters deal with general theory, several explore more specific connections and recent results in "real-world" reliability theory, survival analysis, and related fields.