Tutorial 1: Beginning VB .NET -- 1.1 Programming, Visual Basic, and Everything -- 1.2 Exploring Controls and Making Decisions -- 1.3 Variables and the Coolest Code -- 1.4 Menus, Methods, Modules, and Multiple Forms -- 1.5 Errors, Setup, and Going from Here -- Tutorial 2: Doing Databases -- 2.1 Introducing Databases -- 2.2 Our Own Database and VB .NET -- 2.3 Doing It Completely in Code -- 2.4 SQL Server, Web Applications, Transactions...Oh My! -- 2.5 Designing Reports and Going from Here -- Tutorial 3: Working the Web -- 3.1 The ASP.NET Revolution -- 3.2 Ten Top Code Snippets You Can't Live Without -- 3.3 Authentication, Tips, Distribution, and More -- Tutorial 4: Going Mobile -- 4.1 Introducing the Mobile Internet Toolkit -- 4.2 Your Device, Filters, Images, Memory, and More -- Tutorial 5: Using Objects -- 5.1 Why Objects Are Important -- 5.2 Objects in Real Life, Class Libraries, and More -- Tutorial 6: Services Rendered -- 6.1 Introducing the World of Web Services -- Tutorial 7: From VB6 to .NET -- 7.1 All the Changes, Quickly -- Tutorial 8: Tips and Techinques -- 8.1 Beginner Tips and Techniques -- 8.2 Intermediate Tips and Techniques -- 8.3 Advanced Tips and Techniques -- Appendixes -- Appendix A Installing Visual Studio .NET -- Appendix B Project Defaults -- Appendix C Standard Naming Conventions -- Appendix D Windows Form Controls -- Appendix E VB .NET Data Types -- Appendix F SQL Server Data Types.
Text of Note
Most programming books are about as exciting as Bill Gates' left ear. But with this latest eye-opening release, technology author Karl Moore shows it doesn't have to be quite so dull and uninspiring. Split into eight dynamic parts, Karl Moore's Visual Basic .NET covers every key area of real-life computer developmentand promises to turn even newbie programmers into VB .NET wizards, quicker than anyone else. It's a perfect tutorial guide for those learning VB .NET from scratch or moving from VB6. Karl Moore's Visual Basic .NET: The Tutorials consists of a number of key tutorials, each dealing with a specific, "real-life" area of programming. The tutorials are broken down into easily digestible 10-page installments, with an accompanying FAQ and review sheet at the close. Numerous "top tips" are also distributed throughout the texts to aid understanding.