Dissecting and culturing and imaging the mouse urogenital system / Paul N. Riccio and Odyssé Michos -- In vitro culture of embryonic kidney rudiments and isolated ureteric buds / Xing Zhang, Kevin T. Bush, and Sanjay K. Nigam -- In vitro induction of nephrogenesis in mouse metanephric mesenchyme with lithium introduction and ureteric bud recombination / Kimmo Halt and Seppo Vainio -- Live imaging of the developing mouse mesonephros / David Grote, Michael Marcotte, and Maxime Bouchard -- Organotypic culture of the urogenital tract / Ekaterina Batourina, ... [et al.] -- Live imaging kidney development in zebrafish / Aleksandr Vasilyev and Iain A. Drummond -- Analysis of 3D branching pattern: Hematoxylin and eosin method / Sunder Sims-Lucas -- Three-dimensional imaging of fetal mouse kidneys / Deborah Hyink -- Analysis of native kidney structures in three dimensions / Kieran M. Short and Ian M. Smyth -- Estimating nephron number in the developing kidney using the physical disector/fractionator combination / Luise A. Cullen-McEwen ... [et al.] -- An immunofluorescence method to analyze the proliferation status of individual nephron segments in the Xenopus pronephric kidney / Daniel Romaker, Bo Zhang, and Oliver Wessely -- Dissociation of embryonic kidney followed by re-aggregation as a method for chimeric analysis / Jamie A. Davies ... [et al.] -- Analysis of migration in primary ureteric bud epithelial cells / Satu Kuure -- Investigating primary cilia in cultured metanephric mesenchymal cells / Lijun Chi and Norman Rosenblum -- Making immortalized cell lines from embryonic mouse kidney / Guanping Tai, Peter Hohenstein, and Jamie A. Davies -- Engineered tissues to quantify collective cell migration during morphogenesis / Sriram Manivannan, Jason P. Gleghorn, and Celeste M. Nelson -- Access and use of the GUDMAP database of genitourinary development / Jamies A. Davies ... [et al.] -- Isolation of high quality RNA from embryonic kidney and cells / Shifaan Thowfeequ and Odyssé Michos -- Laser capture / S. Steven Potter and Eric W. Brunskill -- Use of in situ hybridization to examine gene expression in the embryonic, neonatal, and adult urogenital system / Bree A. Rumballe ... [et al.] -- Detection of [beta]-galactosidase activity: X-gal staining / Sally F. Burn -- Fluorescent immunolabeling of embryonic kidney samples / Christina Debrián-- Immunohistochemical staining of dpERK staining during early kidney development / Xuan Chi and Odyssé Michos -- Sensing BMP pathway activity by immune detection of phosphorylated R-smad proteins in mouse embryonic kidney / Javier Lopez-Rios -- Analysis of in vivo transcription factor recruitment by chromatin immunoprecipitation of mouse embryonic kidney / Claire Heliot and Silvia Cereghini-- siRNA-mediated RNA interference in embryonic kidney organ culture / Jamie A. Davies and Mathieu Unbekandt -- Morpholino-mediated gene knockdown in mammalian organ culture / Alda Tufro -- Microinjection into the lumen of the ureteric tree / Christina Cebrián-- Renal delivery of adenovirus and antisense oligonucleotides in rats by retrograde renal vein injection / Guadalupe Ortiz-Muñoz ... [et al.] -- Estimating total nephron number in the adult kidney using the physical disector/fractionator combination / Luise A. Cullen-McEwen, Rebecca N. Douglas-Denton, and John F. Bertram -- Assessing urinary tract defects in mice: methods to detect the presence of vesicoureteric reflux and urinary tract obstruction / Inga J. Murawski, Christine L. Watt, and Indra R. Gupta -- Ischemia-reperfusion injury of the mouse kidney / Leif Oxburgh and Mark P. de Caestecker -- Variable partial unilateral ureteral obstruction and its release in the neonatal and adult mouse / Barbara A. Thornhill and Robert L. Chevalier -- Urinary diversion via cutaneous vesicostomy in the megabladder mouse / Ashley R. Carpenter ... [et al.] -- Ultrasound imaging of the murine kidney / Ashley R. Carpenter ... [et al.].
Text of Note
"Over the last decade the development of new molecular biology tools, advanced microscopy, live imaging and systems biology approaches have revolutionized our conception of how embryonic development proceeds. One fundamental aspect of development biology is the concept of morphogenesis: understanding how a group of multipotent cells organize and differentiate into a complex organ. In Kidney Development: Methods and Protocols, expert researchers in the field detail different approaches to tackle kidney development. These approaches include culture and live imaging aspects of kidney development, analyzing the 3-dimensional aspects of branching morphogenesis as well as nephrogenesis, manipulation of the gene/protein expression during kidney development as well as in the adult kidney, and how to assess kidney malformation and disease. Written in the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology series format, chapters include introductions to their respective topics, lists of the necessary materials and reagents, step-by-step, readily reproducible laboratory protocols, and key tips on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls." -- publisher.