by Claudio Ronchi, Igor Lvovitch Iosilevski, Eugene Solomonovich Yakub.
Place of Publication, Distribution, etc.
Berlin, Heidelberg :
Name of Publisher, Distributor, etc.
Imprint: Springer,
Date of Publication, Distribution, etc.
Text of Note
1 Introduction -- 1.1 Reactor Accident Analysis and Fuel Equation of State -- 1.2 The Role of Equation of State -- 1.3 Equation of State for Liquid UO2: Historical -- 1.4 Summary of the New Equation of State Features -- 1.5 General Notations -- 2 Governing Equations and Fundamental Formulae -- 2.1 Introduction -- 2.2 The Concept of Equation-of-State -- 2.3 Model Equations of State -- 2.4 Physical and Chemical Models in Thermodynamics of Reacting Fluids -- 2.5 Conclusions -- 3 Ionic Models for Liquid Urania -- 3.1 Restricted Primitive Ionic Model -- 3.2 Extended Ionic Model -- 3.3 Local Equations of State for the Liquid Phase: General Requirements -- 3.4 Improved Restricted Primitive Ionic Model -- 3.5 Compatibility Conditions -- 3.6 Determination of the Coulomb Contribution -- 3.7 Conclusions -- 4 Gas-Liquid Coexistence in Uranium Dioxide -- 4.1 General Conditions of the Phase Equilibrium -- 4.2 Calculation of the Equilibrium Composition and Thermodynamic Functions -- 4.3 General Structure of the Liquid-Vapour Phase Boundaries in UO2±x -- 4.4 Equilibrium Properties and Composition of UO2±x -- 5 Application of the Chemical Model within the van der Waals Approximation -- 5.1 Non-Congruent Evaporation over UO2±x -- 5.2 Oxygen Potential -- 5.3 Composition of the Liquid Phase -- 5.4 Discussion -- 5.5 Justification of the MIX Models -- 6 New Equation of State for Fluid Uranium Dioxide Based on Thermodynamic Perturbation Theory -- 6.1 Thermodynamic Perturbation Theory -- 6.2 Fluids Composed of Molecules with Anisotropic Interaction -- 6.3 Conclusions -- 7 Thermodynamic Properties of UO2, as Predicted by the New Equation of State -- 7.1 Summary of the Model Features -- 7.2 Calibration -- 7.3 Validation of the INTAS-99-EOS -- 7.4 Non-Congruent Equilibrium and Critical Point -- 7.5 Concluding Remarks -- A Appendix -- A.1.2 Volume Changes on Melting -- A.1.3 Thermal Expansion -- A.1.4 Elastic Properties and Adiabatic Compressibility -- A.1.6 Enthalpy and Entropy of Fusion -- A.1.8 The Congruently Vaporising Compositions of Urania -- A.2 Individual Components. Tables of Thermodynamic Functions -- A.3 Estimated Molecular and Ionic Interaction Constants -- A.3.1 Polarisability of Atomic O and U -- A.3.3 Dispersion Constants -- A.3.6 Conclusions -- A.4 Thermodynamic Tables -- References.
Text of Note
The monograph deals with the thermodynamic properties of fluid uranium dioxide, one of the most investigated materials of the last century, up to its critical point. It presents an exhaustive theoretical introduction to "quasi-chemical" models of liquids, as well as their behaviour under non-congruent vaporisation conditions. Particular emphasis is given to the properties of pure Coulombic systems and to the pseudoparticle approach, which enables the partition function to be expressed in a simple, but physically rigorous formulation. The construction of the equation of state of stoichiometric and non-stoichiometric uranium dioxide is described in distinct steps, from a critical assessment of the theoretical fundamentals to a thorough review of the pertinent thermochemical and thermophysical data. Calculations of the thermodynamic properties of UO2+x are performed for temperatures up to 11,000 K both for the condensed and gas phase. More than one hundred tables are collected in the Appendix containing all relevant thermodynamic data.