S.-C. Fang et al.: Soft Computing for Softgoods Supply Chain Analysis and Decision Support -- A. Muc, P. Kedziora: Application of Fuzzy Set Theory in Mechanics of Composite Materials -- L. Sztandera et al.: Soft Computing and Density Functional Theory in the Design of Safe Textile Chemicals -- B. Xu: Neural-Fuzzy Systems for Color Classifications in Textiles -- E.L. Brannon et al.: Agent-Based Modeling of the Textile/Apparel Marketplace -- S. Sette, L. Van Langenhove: Generating a Rule Set for the Fiber-to-Yarn Production Process by Means of an Efficiency-Based Classifier System.
Text of Note
Textiles and computing have long been associated. High volume and low profit margins of textile products have driven the industry to invest in high technology, particularly in the area of data interpretation and analysis. Thus, it is virtually inevitable that soft computing has found a home in the textile industry. Contained in this volume are six chapters discussing various aspects of soft computing in the field of textiles and apparel.