An International Conference to Commemorate the Birth of Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel (1784-1846) /
First Statement of Responsibility
edited by Zdeněk Kopal, Jürgen Rahe.
Place of Publication, Distribution, etc.
Dordrecht :
Name of Publisher, Distributor, etc.
Springer Netherlands,
Date of Publication, Distribution, etc.
Text of Note
Z. Kopal and J. Rahe / Preface -- Z. Kopal / Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel - An Appreciation (Opening Address) -- W. Fricke / Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel - 1784-1846 (Introductory Address) -- I: Stellar Astrometry -- P. L. Bernacca / Project HIPPARCOS -- J. Domanget / HIPPARCOS Astrometric Binaries -- F. van't Veer / High-Resolution Problems in Astrometry and Spectroscopy of Binaries and their Significance for the Progress of Stellar Physics -- W. Schlosser / SECAM - A Seeing-Controlled Camera for High-Resolution Photographs -- S. Söderhjelm / Statistical Models for HIPPARCOS Binaries -- R. Ruffini and Song Doo Jong / De Media Aequinoctiorum Praecessione Atque de Nutatione Stellae SS433 -- M. Soffel, J. Schastok, H. Ruder, and M. Schneider / Relativistic Astrometry -- II: Astrometric Binaries - Astrometry -- P. van de Kamp / Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel (1784-1846) -- M. G. Fracastoro / Current Work on Binary and Multiple Stars -- L. W. Fredrick / Modern Methods in the Astronomy of Double Stars -- M. S. Zverev / On the Observation of Double Stars for the Determination of their Proper Motions -- H. Eichhorn / On the Determination of Double Star Orbits -- A. N. Goyal / Distribution of Astrometric Binaries in Various Galactic Latitudes -- T. Herczeg / Astrometric Binaries and their Role in Double Star Astronomy -- L. Yan, L. Wan, and S. Gong / Work on Astrometric Binaries in China -- F. B. Wood / Close Triple Star Systems -- K. D. Rakos / Luminosity Distribution Function for Visual Binary Stars -- J. L. Halbwachs / The Frequency of Binaries with a Degenerate Component -- L. V. Mirzoyan and G. N. Salukvadze / Trapezium-Type Multiple Systems -- J. L. Halbwachs / A Search for CPM Stars -- III: Astrometric Binaries - Astrophysics -- G. Ishida / The Spectroscopic Study of Astrometric Binaries -- I. Bues and G. Rupprecht / G82-23: A New Subdwarf-White Dwarf Binary -- W. van Hamme and R. E. Wilson / Accuracy of Close Binary Mass Determinations from Parallaxes -- R. D. Chapman / Epsilon Aurigae -- IV: Heliometric Astrometry -- E. H. Geyer / The Heliometer Principle and Some Modern Applications -- K. Koziel / Bessel and Librations of the Moon -- M. Moutsoulas / The Heliometer as a Tool for the Measure of the Moon -- Z. Kopal / Concluding Remarks -- List of Participants -- Announcement.
Text of Note
During the past years, a number of international astronomical conferences were held at the Remeis-Observatory in Bamberg, four of them sponsored by the International Astronomical Union. The first meeting was organized in 1959 and dealt with Variable Stars, the last one was held in 1981 and focussed on 'Binary and Multiple Stars as Tracers of Stellar Evolution'. The present conference was organized to commemorate the 200th anniversary of the birth of Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel, who was born in Minden on July 22, 1784, and died in Konigsberg on March 17, 1846. When the plan for an international conference on astrometric binaries was presented to several colleagues, we received enthusiastic support and decided to pursue the idea. A Scientific Organizing Committee was soon established, consisting of: Z. Kopal Manchester, u.K. S. M. Gong Nanjing, China (Chairman) M. Grewing Tiibingen, F.R.G. V. Abalakin Pulkovo, U.S.S.R. P. v. d. Kamp Amsterdam, Netherlands J. Dommanget Uccle, Belgium M. Kitamura Tokyo, Japan M. G. Fracastoro Torino, Italy J. Rahe Bamberg, F.R.G. W. Fricke Heidelberg, F.R.G. Ya. Yatskiv Kiev, U.S.S.R. E. H. Geyer Bonn, F.R.G. The meeting took place in Bamberg at the Remeis-Observatory, Astronomical Institute of the University Erlangen-Nurnberg, from June l3 to 15, 1984. The following institutions generously supported the meeting: Deutsche Forschungs gemeinschaft, Bonn; Stadt Bamberg; Universitat Bamberg; Universitat Erlangen Nurnberg; University of Manchester.