Part I: Principles of mechanical ventilation. Physiologic effects of mechanical ventilation -- ventilator-induced lung injury -- overview of the mechanical ventilator system and classification -- traditional modes of mechanical ventilation; -- new modes of mechanical ventilation -- flows, waveforms, and I:E ratios -- Humidification and the ventilator circuit -- Pressure and volume ventilation -- FIo2, PEEP, and mean airway pressure: management of oxygenation -- Determining appropriate physiologic goals -- Indications and initial settings for mechanical ventilation -- Weaning from mechanical ventilation -- Part II: Ventilator management. Acute lung injury and acute respiratory distress syndrome -- Chronic pulmonary disease -- Chest trauma -- Head injury -- Postoperative patients -- Neuromuscular disease and chest wall deformities -- Cardiac failure -- Asthma -- Burns and inhalation injury -- Bronchopleural fistula -- Drug overdose -- Part III: Monitoring during mechanical ventilation. Arterial and venous blood gases -- Indices of oxygenation and ventilation -- Pulse oximetry, capnography, and transcutaneous monitoring -- Hemodynamic monitoring -- Basic pulmonary mechanics during mechanical ventilation -- Advanced pulmonary mechanics during mechanical ventilation -- Nutritional assessment -- Part IV: Topics in mechanical ventilation. Airway management -- Secretion clearance, positioning, and inhaled aerosol medication -- Chest tubes -- Emergency and transport ventilation -- Noninvasive positive pressure ventilation for acute respiratory therapy -- Long-term mechanical ventilation -- Pharmacologic therapy: sedatives, analgesics, and paralytic agents -- High frequency ventilation, partial liquid ventilation, and tracheal gas insufflation.
Text of Note
"This trusted guide is written from the perspective of authors who have more than seventy-five years' experience as clinicians, educators, researchers, and authors. Featuring chapters that are concise, focused, and practical, this book is unique. Unlike other references on the topic, this resource is about mechanical ventilation rather than mechanical ventilators. It is written to provide a solid understanding of the general principles and essential foundational knowledge of mechanical ventilation as required by respiratory therapists and critical care physicians. To make it clinically relevant, Essentials of Mechanical Ventilation includes disease-specific chapters related to mechanical ventilation in these conditions"--Publisher's description.