Stroke rehabilitation : a learning perspective / Leeanne M. Carey ... [et al.] -- Neural plasticity as a basis for stroke rehabilitation / Michael Nilsson, Milos Pekny, and Marcela Pekna -- Imaging techniques provide new insights / J.-Donald Tournier, Richard Masterton, and Rudiger J. Seitz -- Multimodal neurophysiological investigations / Cathrin M. Buetefisch and Aina Puce -- Stroke : pathophysiology, recovery potential, and timelines for recovery and rehabilitation / Rudiger J. Seitz and Geoffrey A. Donnan -- Organisation of care / Dominique Cadilhac ... [et al.] -- Motivation, mood, and the right environment / Thomas K.A. Linden, Leeanne M. Carey and Michael Nilsson -- Training principles to enhance learning-based rehabilitation and neuroplasticity / Paulette van Vliet, Thomas A. Matyas, and Leeanne M. Carey -- Adjunctive therapies / Charlotte J. Stagg and Heidi Johansen-Berg -- Movement / Cathy Seinear and Isobel Hubbard -- Touch and body sensations / Leeanne M. Carey -- Vision / Amy Brodtmann -- Goal driven attention and working memory / Sheila Gillard Crewther ... [et al.] -- Executive functions / Susan M. Fitzpatrick and Carolyn M. Baum -- Language / Lisa Tabor Connor -- Targeting viable brain networks to improve outcomes after stroke / Cathy Stinear and Winston Byblow -- Directions for stroke rehabilitation clinical practice and research / Leeanne M. Carey