Personality, cardiovascular disease and public health / Martha C. Whiteman -- The role of personality in cancer onset and survival / Adelita V. Ranchor and Robbert Sanderman -- Temperament and children's unintentional injuries / David C. Schwebel and Benjamin K. Barton -- Personality, stress, and coping / Norbert K. Semmer -- Personality and well-being / Espen Røysamb -- Mechanisms relating personality and health / Deborah J. Wiebe and Katherine T. Fortenberry -- Personality and illness behavior / Paula G. Williams -- Physiological pathways from personality to health : the cardiovascular and immune systems / Suzanne C. Segerstrom and Timothy W. Smith --
Text of Note
Personality, relationships, and health : a dynamic-transactional perspective / Franz J. Neyer and Judith Lehnart -- Personality types, personality traits, and risky health behavior / Svenn Torgersen and Margarete E. Vollrath -- The possibilities of personality psychology and persons for the study of health / Suzanne C. Ouellette and David M. Frost -- The prevention and treatment of hostility / Redford B. Williams and Virginia P. Williams -- Expressive writing, psychological processes, and personality / Amanda C. Jones and James W. Pennebaker -- Media, sensation seeking, and prevention / Lewis Donohew -- The promotion of optimism and health / Derek R. Freres and Jane E. Gillham