Early and middle woodland landscapes of the Southeast /
General Material Designation
First Statement of Responsibility
edited by Alice P. Wright and Edward R. Henry
Specific Material Designation and Extent of Item
xiv, 320 pages :
Other Physical Details
illustrations, maps ;
25 cm
Series Title
Florida Museum of Natural History: Ripley P. Bullen series
Text of Note
Includes bibliographical references (pages 263-310) and index
Text of Note
1. Introduction: emerging approaches to the landscapes of the early and middle woodland Southeast / Alice P. Wright and Edward R. Henry -- Part 1: Extensive landscapes: between and beyond monuments -- 2. The early-middle woodland domestic landscape in Kentucky / Darlene Applegate -- 3. The Adena Mortuary landscape: off-mound rituals and burial mounds / David Pollack and Eric J. Schlarb -- 4. Like a dead dog: strategic ritual choice in the mortuary enterprise / R. Berle Clay -- 5. The early and middle woodland of the Upper Cumberland Plateau, Tennessee / Jay D. Franklin, Meagan Dennison, Maureen A. Hays, Jeffrey Navel, and Andrew D. Dye -- Part 2: Monumental landscapes: mound and earthwork sites -- 6. Winchester Farm: a small Adena enclosure in Central Kentucky / Richard W. Jefferies, George R. Milner, and Edward R. Henry -- 7. Persistent place, shifting practice: the premound landscape at the Garden Creek Site, North Carolina / Alice P. Wright -- 8. Biltmore Mound and the Appalachian Summit Hopewell / Larry R. Kimball, Thomas R. Whyte, and Gary D. Crites -- 9. The woodland period cultural landscape of the Leake Site complex / Scot Keith -- 10. The creation of ritual space at the Jackson Landing site in coastal Mississippi / Edmond A. Boudreaux III -- Part 3: Landscapes of interaction -- 11. Late middle woodland settlement and ritual at the Armory site / Paul N. Eubanks -- 12. Constituting similarity and difference in the deep south: the ritual and domestic landscapes of Kolomoki, Crystal River, and Fort Center / Thomas J. Pluckhahn and Victor D. Thompson -- 13. Ritual life and landscape at Tunacunnhee / Victoria G. Dekle -- 14. Swift Creek and Weeden Island Mortuary landscapes of interaction / Neill J. Wallis -- 15. Working out Adena political organization and variation from the ritual landscape in the Kentucky Bluegrass / Edward R. Henry -- Part 4: Woodland landscapes in historical and regional perspective -- 16. On ceremonial landscapes / James A. Brown -- 17. Social landscapes of early and middle woodland peoples in the southeast / David G. Anderson
Text of Note
Integrates empirical data with social structural notions such as persistent, ritual, cultural, and social places, striving to explore the totality of landscape experiences across temporal and spatial spaces in the American Southeast