pt. 1. Samādhi in the Pāli texts -- 1. Samādhi in the Pāli suttas -- 2. Jhāna in the Pāli suttas -- 3. Samādhi in the Visuddhimagga -- 4. Controversies surrounding samādhi -- pt. 2. Interviews with contemporary meditation teachers -- Jack Kornfield -- Ajaan Ṭhānissaro -- Sharon Salzberg -- Bhante Gunaratana -- Christina Feldman -- Leigh Brasington -- Ajahn Brahmavaṃso -- Pa Auk Sayadaw -- Appendix 1. Does it matter where you watch the breath? -- Appendix 2. The four stages of enlightenment -- Appendix 3. Organization of the Pāli canon -- Appendix 4. Samatha meditation practices of Visuddhimagga