Phagocytosis: An overview / Carel J. van Oss -- Measurement of surface properties of phagocytes, bacteria, and other particles / Darryl R. Absolom -- Basic methods for the study of phagocytosis / Darryl R. Absolom -- In Vitro and in Vivo measurement of phagocytosis by flow cytometry / Carleton C. Stewart, Bruce E. Lehnert, John A. Steinkamp -- Oil-droplet method for measuring phagocytosis / Thomas P. Stossel -- Methods for distinguishing ingested from adhering particles / Jan Hed -- Methods for the study of receptor-mediated phagocytosis / Samuel D. Wright -- Purification and cryopreservation of phagocytes from human blood / Dirk Roos, Martin de Boer -- Suspension culture of human monocytes / Paul J. Miller, Henry C. Stevenson -- Preparation and cryopreservation of cytoplasts from human phagocytes / Dirk Roos, Alwin A. Voetman -- Assay of phagosome-lysosome fusion / Margaret Kielian -- Methods for assessing exocytosis by neutrophil leukocytes / Beatrice Dewald, Marco Baggiolini -- Opsonins and dysopsonins: An overview / Darryl R. Absolom -- Tuftsin / Victor A. Najjar, Danuta Konopinska, James Lee -- Substance P and neurotensin / Zvi Bar-Shavit, Rachel Goldman -- Opsonic activity of fibronectin / Frank A. Blumenstock, Thomas M. Saba, Pina Cardarelli, Claire H. Dayton -- Respiratory burst during phagocytosis: An overview / Manfred L. Karnovsky, John A. Badwey -- NADPH oxidase from polymorphonuclear cells / Theodore G. Gabig, Bruce A. Lefker -- NADH oxidase from guinea pig polymorphonuclear leukocytes / John A. Badwey, Manfred L. Karnovsky -- Human myeloperoxidase and hemi-myeloperoxidase / Patricia C. Andrews, Norman I. Krinsky -- Cytochrome b-245 / Anthony W. Segal, Angela M. Harper, Andrew R. Cross, Owen T.G. Jones -- Measurement of hydrogen peroxide production by phagocytes using homovanillic acid and horseradish peroxidase / Marco Baggiolini, Walter Ruch, Philip H. Cooper -- Assay of the extracellular hydrogen peroxide pool generated by phagocytes / Samuel T. Test, Stephen J. Weiss -- Microassays for superoxide and hydrogen peroxide production and nitroblue tetrazolium reduction using an enzyme immunoassay microplate reader / Edgar Pick -- Determination of adenylate cyclase and guanylate cyclase activities in cells of the immune system / Chandra K. Mittal -- Measurements of cyclic adenosine monophosphate and cyclic guanosine monophosphate levels in polymorphonuclear leukocytes, macrophages, and lymphocytes / Chandra K. Mittal -- Cytolytic activity mediated by T lymphocytes / Howard D. Engers, K. Theodor Brunner, Jean-Charles Cerottini -- Cytotoxicity by natural killer cells: Analysis of large granular lymphocytes / John R. Ortaldo -- Cytotoxicity by macrophages and monocytes / Roel A. De Weger, Bert A. Runhaar, Willem Den Otter -- Cytolytic T-cell clones and hybridomas / Harald von Boehmer, Werner Haas -- Quantitative cytotoxic assay using a coulter counter / Yoshitaka Nagai, Machiko Iwamoto, Toshiharu Matsumura -- Continuous assay for cytolytic activity / Steve J. McFaul, Johannes Everse -- Measurement of phagocytosis and cell-mediated cytotoxicity by chemiluminescence / Knox Van Dyke, Michael R. Van Scott, Vincent Castranova -- Activated macrophage-mediated cytotoxicity: Use of the in Vitro cytotoxicity assay for study of bioenergetic and biochemical changes that develop in tumor target cells / John B. Hibbs Jr., Read R. Taintor -- Intracellular killing of bacteria and fungi / Linda L. Moore, James R. Humbert -- Induction of specific macrophage cytotoxicity / Roel A. De Weger, Willem Den Otter -- Activation of macrophages with oxidative enzymes / Doris L. Lefkowitz, Stanley S. Lefkowitz, Ru-Qi Wei, Johannes Everse -- Assay of a cytocidal protein excreted by activated macrophages / Beth-Ellen Drysdale, Charles M. Zacharchuk, Masako Okajima, Hyun S. Shin -- Assays detecting the antibody-dependent and independent binding and cytolysis of tumor cells by murine macrophages / William J. Johnson, Dolph O. Adams -- Preparation and characterization of chloramines / Edwin L. Thomas, Matthew B. Grisham, M. Margaret Jefferson -- Cytotoxicity of chloramines / Edwin L. Thomas, Matthew B. Grisham, M. Margaret Jefferson -- Liposome encapsulation of muramyl peptides for activation of macrophage cytotoxic properties / Rajiv Nayar, Alan J. Schroit, Isaiah J. Fidler -- Intracellular parasitism of macrophages in Leishmaniasis: In Vitro systems and their applications / K.-P. Chang, Carol Ann Nacy, Richard D. Pearson -- Parasiticidal activity of macrophages against Toxoplasma / Somesh D. Sharma, James R. Catterall, Jack S. Remington -- Parasiticidal activity of macrophages against Plasmodium / Hannah Lustig Shear, Christian F. Ockenhouse -- Parasiticidal activity of macrophages against schistosomes / Stephanie L. James
Immunochemical techniques. Part J, Phagocytosis and cell-mediated cytotoxicity.