Normal cardiac anatomy / Saul G. Myerson, and Stefan Neubauer -- Normal vessel anatomy / Housseini M. Ahmed, Ugur Bozlar, Patrick T. Norton, and Klaus D. Hagspiel -- Left ventricular volumes, ejection fraction, mass, and shape / Nathaniel Reichek, and Dipti Gupta -- Measuring regional function / Nael F. Osman, Alexander Jehle, and Frederick H. Epstein -- Size and function of the right ventricle / Albert C. van Rossum, and Simon C. Koestner -- Atria and pulmonary veins / Saman Nazarian, David A. Bluemke, Hugh Calkins, and Henry R. Halperin -- Valvular heart disease / Marcus Y. Chen, and Andrew E. Arai -- Myocardial masses / Jennifer A. Dickerson, and Subha V. Raman -- Pericardial disease / Rajan A.G. Patel, and Christopher M. Kramer -- Dilated cardiomyopathy and myocardial infarction / NikolaosTzemos, Gabriel Vorobiof, and Ryamond Y. Kwong -- Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy / Andrew S. Flett, and James C. Moon -- Iron cardiomyopathy / John C. Wood, and Nilesh Ghugre -- Myocarditis / Matthias G. Friedrich, and Oliver Strohm -- Simple congenital heart disease / Rebecca S. Beroukhim, and Tal Geva -- Complex congenital heart disease / Mark A. Fogel -- Postoperative evaluation of congenitial heart disease / Karen G. Ordovas, and Charles B. Higgins -- Perfusion stress magnetic resonance / Amedeo Chiribiri, Sven Plein, and Eike Nagel -- Wall motion stress magnetic resonance / William O. Ntim, Rahul Aggarwal, Chirapa Puntawangkoon, and W. Gregory Hundley -- Delayed-enhancement magnetic resonance / Chetan Shenoy, Annamalai Senthilkumar, and Raymond F. Kim -- Peripheral magnetic resonance angiography / Rajiv Agarwal, and Scott D. Flamm -- Diseases of the aorta / Mark A. Lawson -- Renal arteries / Christopher J. Francois, and Thomas M. Grist -- Coronary arteries and bypass grafts / Hajime Sakuma, and Yasutaka Ichikawa -- Coronary anomalies / Shahriar Heidary, and Michael V. McConnell -- Carotid atherosclerotic disease / Chun Yuan, Baocheng Chu, Niranjan Balu, Marina Ferguson, and Thomas S. Hatsukami -- Plaque and wall assessment / Alistair C. Lindsay, Justin M. Lee, Ilias Kylintireas, Matthew D. Robson, and Robin P. Choudhury.
Text of Note
Christopher M. Kramer, MD and W. Gregory Hundley, MD, provides the rich visual guidance you need to effectively diagnose cardiovascular problems using the latest cardiac magnetic resonance imaging approaches. Using a case-based approach, this new clinical reference explains how to select and implement the best imaging options for every type of cardiovascular disease and shows you how to interpret your findings. An Expert Consult site, included with the book, provides additional images and videos that provide further clarity on cardiovascular applications of MR imaging.