1. Causes and effects of structural vibration -- 2. Equivalent one degree-of-freedom systems -- 3. Free vibration of one degree-of-freedom systems -- 4. Forced harmonic vibration of one degree-of-freedom systems -- 5. Evaluation of equivalent viscous damping coefficients by harmonic excitation -- 6. Response of linear and non-linear one degree-of-freedom systems to random loading: time domain analysis -- 7. Free vibration of multi-degree-of-freedom systems -- 8. Forced harmonic vibration of multi-degree-of-freedom systems -- 9. Damping matrices for multi-degree-of-freedom systems -- 10. The nature and statistical properties of wind -- 11. Dynamic response to turbulent wind: frequency-domain analysis -- 12. The nature and properties of earthquakes -- 13. Dynamic response to earthquakes: frequency-domain analysis -- 14. Generation of wind and earthquake histories.
Text of Note
This text provides practising engineers with an introduction to the dynamics of civil engineering whilst ensuring that they acquire an understanding of the theories that form the basis of computer packages.