Equity and justice in developmental science : theoretical and methodological issues /
General Material Designation
First Statement of Responsibility
edited by Stacey S. Horn (Department of Educational Psychology, College of Education, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA), Martin D. Ruck (Department of Psychology, The Graduate Center, City University of New York, USA), Lynn S. Liben (Department of Psychology, The Pennsylvania State University, USA)
Edition Statement
First edition
Specific Material Designation and Extent of Item
xvi, 282 pages :
Other Physical Details
illustrations ;
24 cm
Series Title
Advances in child development and behavior,
Volume Designation
volume 50
ISSN of Series
0065-2407 ;
Text of Note
Includes bibliographical references and indexes
Text of Note
1. Struggles for equal rights and social justice as unrepresented and represented in psychological research / Elliot Turiel, Eunkyung Chung, and Jessica A. Carr. Struggles for justice and equity ; Stepping back and reflecting on the field : two central tendencies ; Possible connections between predominant trends and equity and justice ; Processes of thought, decision-making, and the broad contexts of environments ; Morality ; Equality, inequality, and processes of coordination ; The key must have fallen from the sky : opposition and resistance -- 2. Toward an intersectional approach in developmental science : the role of race, gender, sexual orientation, and immigrant status / Negin Ghavami, Dalal Katsiaficas, and Leoandra Onnie Rogers. Intersectional perspectives on the social identities and differences in life outcomes ; Intersectionality in middle childhood : a focus on gender and race and ethnicity ; What do we know about racial and ethnic identities as well as gender identity development in middle childhood? ; Where do we go from here? ; Intersectionality in adolescence : a focus on sexual orientation, gender, and race and ethnicity ; What do we know about sexual orientation, gender, gender expression, and race and ethnicity during adolescence? Where do we go from here? ; Intersectionality in emerging adulthood : a focus on ethnicity, immigration, and undocumented status ; Identity processes during emerging adulthood ; Where do we go from here? -- 3. Social inequality in population developmental health : an equity and justice issue / Daniel P. Keating. Social disparities : from early-life adversity to developmental health outcomes ; The social gradient ; Drilling down : biological embedding of social inequality ; Ramping up : international comparisons of PDH ; Through the lens of equity and justice -- 4. Gender stereotypes and discrimination : how sexism impacts development / Christia Spears Brown and Ellen A. Stone. Classroom behaviors and disciplinary actions ; Science, technology, engineering and math abilities ; Athletic ability and participation ; Peer gendered harassment ; Sexualized gender stereotypes ; Synthesis and conclusions ; Directions for future research -- 5. A right to disclose : LGBTQ youth representation in data, science, and policy / Shannon D. Snapp, Stephen T. Russell, Mariella Arredondo, and Russell Skiba. Tensions and barriers for SOGI data collection ; SOGI data collection strategies ; Appendix: Status of knowledge/current data sources that include SOGI questions -- 6. Just good developmental science : trust, identity, and responsibility in ethnic minority recruitment and retention / Deborah Rivas-Drake, Tissyana C. Camacho, and Casta Guillaume. Principles, ethics, and values ; Trust in research and researchers ; Researcher identity and insider/outsider status ; Responsibility matters -- 7. Youth-led participatory action research : developmental and equity perspectives / Emily J. Ozer. Youth as experts and co-creators of knowledge ; Power-sharing in the YPAR process ; Chapter overview ; YPAR : overview and related approaches ; Sociopolitical and developmental salience of YPAR ; Implications of YPAR for developmental research ; YPAR and the improvement of developmental settings ; Utilization of research evidence in practice and policy -- 8. A mixed methods approach to equity and justice research : insights from research on children's reasoning about economic inequality / Rashmita S. Mistry, Elizabeth S. White, Kirby A. Chow, Katherine M. Griffin, and Lindsey Nenadal. Research paradigms ; Quantitative research paradigm ; Qualitative research paradigm ; Mixed methods research paradigm ; Concluding thoughts