1953 and all that: a tale of two sciences (1984) -- The hegemony of molecular biology (1999) -- Darwin's achievement (1985) -- The return of the gene (1988) / with Kim Sterelny -- Species (1984) -- Some puzzles about species (1989) -- Function and design (1993) -- The evolution of human altruism (1993) -- Evolution of altruism in optional and compulsory games (1995) / with John Batali -- Infectious ideas : some preliminary explorations (2001) -- Race, ethnicity, biology, culture (1999) -- Utopian eugenics and social inequality (2000) -- Battling the undead : how (and how not) to resist genetic determinism (2000) -- Developmental decomposition and the future of human behavioral ecology (1990) -- Four ways of "biologicizing" ethics (1993) -- Pop sociobiology reborn : the evolutionary psychology of sex and violence (2002) / with A. Leah Vickers -- Born-again creationism (2002).