1. 1564-89 : Family and education ; First essays ; Dialogue on motion ; Centers of gravity ; Music and science -- 2. 1589-92 : Professor at Pisa ; The leaning tower ; De motu -- 3. 1592-99 : Professor at Padua ; Mechanics ; Copernicanism ; Tides ; The sector -- 4. 1600-1602 : Method ; Mechanics ; Speeds of planets ; Inclined planes ; Galileo's theorem ; Force of percussion -- 5. 1603-4 : Notes on motion ; Double-speed rule ; Motion experiments -- 6. 1604-6 : Law of free fall ; Logic of acceleration ; The new star of 1604 ; Polemics ; Work on motion -- 7. 1606-8 : The nova again ; Beam strength ; Hydrostatics ; Speed paradox resolved ; Inertial experiment and trajectory -- 8. 1609-10 : Projected treatise on motion ; The telescope ; Moon observations ; Satellites of Jupiter ; Cosmogony -- 9. 1610-11 : Starry messenger ; Move to Florence ; Saturn and Venus ; Floating and sinking ; Sunspots -- 10. 1612 : Bodies in water ; Sunspots ; Inertia and rotation ; Disputes ; Longitude project -- 11. 1612-13 : Scope of science ; Reply to Nozzolini ; Satellite forecasts -- 12. 1613 : The continuum ; Answers to critics ; Copernicus and the bible ; Letter to Castelli -- 13. 1614-15 : Weight of air ; Attack from the pulpit ; Letter to Dini ; Replies to oppositions -- 14. 1616-18 : Edict at Rome ; Longitude negotiations ; Comet controversy -- 15. 1616-23 : Discourse on comets ; Jesuit opposition ; Lenses ; The microscope ; The assayer -- 16. 1624-26 : Reply to Ingoli ; Force and resistance ; The Dialogue started -- 17. 1626-31 : Work on motion ; Sunspot paths ; Dialogue completed ; Licensing problems ; Hydraulics of flood control -- 18. 1631-33 : Mathematics of motion ; Scheiner ; Galileo ordered to Rome ; Trial and sentencing -- 19. 1633-35 : Siena ; Strength of materials ; Eppur si muove ; Arcetri ; Indivisibles ; Logic of free fall -- 20. 1636-38 : Theorems on projectiles ; Letter to Carcavy ; Two new sciences ; Criticisms by Descartes -- 21. 1639-40 : Correspondence on science, method, and philosophy -- 22. 1641-42 : The leaning tower again ; Falsity of systems ; Pendulum escapement ; New dialogue started ; Death -- Appendix: Biographies