Includes bibliographical references (p. 232-240) and index.
Text of Note
pt. 1. The displacement of God. From Heraclitus to Havel : the problem of the one and the many in modern life and thought. The idea of modernity ; Modernity as disengagement ; The one and the many ; The concept of God ; Modernity as the displacement of God ; The pathos of the modern condition ; Conclusion -- The disappearing other : the problem of the particular in modern life and thought. The loss of the particular in modern life and thought ; Plato ; The West's double mind ; Particularity in practice 1 : freedom ; Particularity in practice 2 : the aesthetic ; A pattern of displacement -- A plea for the present : the problem of relatedness in modern life and thought. Modernity's this-worldliness ; Christianity's false eternity ; Modernity's false temporality ; The displacement of eschatology ; Gnosticism renewed -- The rootless will : the problem of meaning and truth in modern life and thought. Dissenting voices ; Protagoras today ; The fragmentation of culture ; The origins of the rootless will ; The shape of modernity.
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pt. 2. Rethinking createdness. The universal and the particular : towards a theology of meaning and truth. Foundationalism and rationality ; The one as transcendental ; The open transcendental ; Trinitarian transcendentals -- 'Through whom and in whom ... ' : towards a theology of relatedness. Recapitulation ; Economy ; Perichoresis ; An analogical exploration ; The heart of the problem ; Christological conclusion -- The Lord who is the Spirit : towards a theology of the particular. The concept of spirit ; The problem of substantiality ; Of particulars ; The lord and giver of being -- The triune Lord : towards a theology of the one and the many. Recapitulation ; Community ; Sociality ; Sociality in context ; Conclusion.
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This study, based on the Bampton Lectures delivered in the University of Oxford in 1992, examines what is often called the crisis of modernity, with reference not only to modernity but to modern culture in general. Problems of social, theological, and philosophical thought are traced back beyond the Enlightenment to the very roots of Western Christian theology. A response to these problems is essayed by constructively developing conceptual possibilities to be found in ancient and modern theology of the Trinity.